Yep, haven't been keeping up. I too discussed this at length with our account exec at the time and was getting pretty much no where, as were many others. I knew of IMail being available to existing customers, but not new customers. This was when I pulled the plug on Ipswitch, had our webmaster remove all Ipswitch products from our website and swore to never deal with Ipswitch until IMail again became a standalone offering for new customers. After this I sold a bunch of SmarterMail installs (would have been IMail installs had Ipswitch not shot themselves in the foot). Have been pretty happy with SmarterMail, although I never thought it was as flexible as IMail and has a few quirks that drive people nuts. I'll probably keep selling SmarterMail for small customers that don't need anything spectacular (can't beat the price), but I've already started looking at IMail again. We are still running our initial install of IMail and it's still working great, so maybe I'll upgrade it and see what's what.

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