Looks like your DNS server configured in the SMTP service is not responding/returning correct information and IMail is reverting to getting A records from the DNS server configured in the TCP/IP stack. (thus stack connect failed in logs) - Often the IP returned from the TCP/IP DNS server will be A record pointing to the Web server, rather than the MX/A records.  Try another DNS server in the SMTP settings.
Ipswitch Messaging Support
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 12:03 PM
Subject: Re: [IMail Forum] Connection Problems with relaying messages

> I enabled Verbose Logging and will capture a full session.
>Could this be a DNS problem? I'm using MS DNS on the same box and pointing IMail to >
Here is a full session:
2006-07-25 09:06:33 Local7.Debug SMTPD (33790d7500d868a8) [] connect port 32928
2006-07-25 09:06:33 Local7.Debug SMTPD (33790d7500d868a8) [] EHLO central
2006-07-25 09:06:33 Local7.Debug SMTPD (33790d7500d868a8) Authenticated [EMAIL PROTECTED], session treated as local.
2006-07-25 09:06:33 Local7.Debug SMTPD (33790d7500d868a8) [] MAIL FROM: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
2006-07-25 09:06:33 Local7.Debug SMTPD (33790d7500d868a8) [] RCPT TO: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
2006-07-25 09:06:35 Local7.Debug SMTPD (33790d7500d868a8) [] MAIL FROM: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
2006-07-25 09:06:35 Local7.Debug SMTPD (33790d7500d868a8) [] RCPT TO: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
2006-07-25 09:06:35 Local7.Debug SMTPD (33790d7500d868a8) [] G:\spool\D33790d7500d868a8.SMD 724
2006-07-25 09:06:38 Local7.Debug SMTP (0000000000000000) Info - Adding Queue file G:\spool\q33790d7500d868a8.smd
2006-07-25 09:06:38 Local7.Debug SMTP (33790d7500d868a8) processing G:\spool\q33790d7500d868a8.smd
2006-07-25 09:06:38 Local7.Debug SMTP (33790d7500d868a8) [x] looking up jpalaceusa.com in HOSTS and MX
2006-07-25 09:08:27 Local7.Debug SMTP (33790d7500d868a8) Stack connect fail ""
2006-07-25 09:08:27 Local7.Debug SMTP (33790d7500d868a8) requeuing G:\spool\q33790d7500d868a8.smd R0 T1
2006-07-25 09:08:27 Local7.Debug SMTP (33790d7500d868a8) finished G:\spool\q33790d7500d868a8.smd status=3
2006-07-25 09:30:50 Local7.Debug SMTP (33790d7500d868a8) processing G:\spool\q33790d7500d868a8.smd
2006-07-25 09:30:50 Local7.Debug SMTP (33790d7500d868a8) [x] looking up jpalaceusa.com in HOSTS and MX
2006-07-25 09:31:42 Local7.Debug SMTP (33790d7500d868a8) [x] looking up jpalaceusa.com by stack
2006-07-25 09:31:42 Local7.Debug SMTP (33790d7500d868a8) Trying jpalaceusa.com (0)
2006-07-25 09:31:42 Local7.Debug SMTP (33790d7500d868a8) [x] Connecting socket to service <SMTP> on host <jpalaceusa.com> using protocol <tcp>
2006-07-25 09:31:42 Local7.Debug SMTP (33790d7500d868a8) [x] using source IP for dfn.com []
2006-07-25 09:32:36 Local7.Debug SMTP (33790d7500d868a8) Stack connect fail ""
2006-07-25 09:32:36 Local7.Debug SMTP (33790d7500d868a8) requeuing G:\spool\q33790d7500d868a8.smd R0 T2
2006-07-25 09:32:36 Local7.Debug SMTP (33790d7500d868a8) finished G:\spool\q33790d7500d868a8.smd status=3
Bill Green
dfn Systems

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