
we do that here with a batch process (see below) that will create a list of active 
users in our domain (we only have one domain)

when we inactivate accounts we set an info manager (through admin) which creates a 
file called main.inf.  The batch proccess does not include those accounts in the list.

hope this helps... bob

----------start of batch
@echo off

echo This batch will create a file containing e-mail addresses of active 
echo users on our server.  the users e-mail address is written to the file
echo as long as there is no main.inf file (as long as there is no info
echo manager) set. Resulting file is named activeaccts.log
rem GFPSAdmin is a folder on our imail server that we keep info on admining
rem our server
echo .
rem pause
rem change to the imail drive and directory where your users folder is located
cd \imail
del GFPSAdmin\allusers.txt
rem building userlist based on directory only
dir /B /AD users>GFPSAdmin\dirlist.txt
rem echo.>GFPSAdmin\allusers.log

echo Please wait while we generate the file ...

rem This for loop loops through the dirlist.txt file looking for the filename
rem main.inf in each folder in the file.  If it does not finds it, it writes
rem the e-mail address of the user to the allusers.txt file.
rem Note that this command must all be on one single line:

FOR /F "eol= tokens=1,* delims=/" %%i in (GFPSAdmin\dirlist.txt) do if not exist 
.\users\%%i\main.inf  echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]>>GFPSAdmin\allusers.txt

rem echo Check file GFPSAdmin\allusers.log for details.
rem echo.
-----------end of batch

On Tuesday, January 21, 2003 9:42 AM, Bridges, Samantha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>How can I create a list of my users to be used for a listserve? 
>The makelist utility does not work in 7.x
>Please help.
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