On Fri, 13 Mar 2009, Dag Nygren wrote:
Why did you run mixrbld and mixdfix?  These are very powerful tools that
should only be run in specific circumstances.
It is too long ago I did this for me to remember the exact reason. I think it
had something to do with kmail complaining about an attibute missing for
certain mail when doing a search.

The only reason to run mixrbld/mixdfix is if the mix driver reports errors and refuses to open the mailbox. You probably ran mixrbld/mixdfix unnecessarily, and that caused your problems.

There aren't many imapd messages with the word "attribute". If the error message was "Bogus attribute list", that means that the IMAP client (kmail) sent faulty IMAP protocol. That would be a bug in kmail, and NOTHING wrong with imapd or the mix mailbox. [Or nothing wrong until the ill-advised usage of mixrbld/mixdfix.]

However, since you paraphrased the message, this is only a guess. Please do not paraphrase messages. It wastes time.

Sounded very much like a corruption in the mailbox to me, Especially since it
happened only in my INBOX.

I don't know how you came to that conclusion, but it is almost certainly incorrect.

If the mailbox opens, it is not corrupt in any way that mixrbld/mixdfix can remedy. It's like getting heart surgery for a head cold; completely ineffective for the problem, and dangerous in other ways.

I saw mixrbld as a means to fix this by rebuilding the mailbox. Ran mixrdfix
after this as I saw nothing at all in the mailbox after the rebuild. Now the
mails are there, but half of them always marked unread. And cannot be marked
as read whatever I do.

I don't know what you did with mixrbld/mixdfix, but neither tool does anything with the status file, which is where seen state is kept.

I have no idea why seen state would behave that way.

Just checked the source code and the actual message was from mixrbld and was
the one on row 181, printf ("Data file %s UID ran backwards.....
Isn't that "out of sequence".

The text "out of sequence" does not occur in "Data file...ran backwards", and thus is a paraphrase. Please don't do that.

If you got a "Data file...ran backwards" message, it is likely that some expunge operation did not complete properly. mixrbld will recover from this.

I did check this up and found that you have indicated earlier that it is not a
real problem. Also tried mixcvt to copy the mailbox as somewhere suggested,
but even the result still had the same problem.

mixcvt should have made a clean mailbox.

I suggest that you try to find some expert who is local to you to look at it. There is nothing obvious that can be diagnosed from the other side of the world. It is obvious to me that there is more to this story than what you say, but unfortunately I do not have the time to investigate it.

Unfortunately, I can't offer the same level of user assistance than I did when I was working at UW, and you seem to need much more assistance than I can offer. I'm sorry.

-- Mark --

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
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