Let me first preface this question by stating that I really don't know a whole 
lot of Python: in fact, all I know of the language I learned from playing 
around with IMDbPY. Therefore, you'll have to dumb your responses down a bit 
*sheepish smile*

Ok, into the meat of the question:

I'm attempting to create a script that lets you find the "connections" between 
two actors (i.e. through movies and actors they have worked with, how are they 
connected, 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon?). Retrieving the information is easy 
enough, but the logic that looks for the connections is slightly more 
complicated than I can handle in Python, so, being a Java programmer, I decided 
to use Jython. Here's where I run in to some issues, and I'm fairly confused to 
say the least.

1. I can correctly import the imdb package into my program (I'm using the 
Python Interpreter method of Jython if you're at all familiar with it. It goes 
something like this, fairly simple to understand.)

PythonInterpreter pi = new PythonInterpreter();
pi.exec("import imdb");
pi.exec("i = imdb.IMDb(accessSystem=\'mobile\')");

Basically, you just feed the Python commands to the PythonInterpreter object as 

2. I'm using the mobile access system. Part of this is for speed, part of it is 
lxml issues, more on this in a bit.
3. Using search_person, I can successfully retrieve a Person (i.e. 
pi.exec("bacon = i.search_person(\"Kevin Bacon\")[0]");
4. calling .keys() on this Person gives you what you would expect by default

Here's where things get interesting:

5a. When I call i.update(bacon) in the interactive python shell, the 'actor' 
info set is now listed as an info set of bacon
5b. When I call pi.exec("i.update(bacon)"); inside my Jython script, about 1/4 
of the info sets that should be returned do not show up when you call .keys(), 
'actor' being one of them.
6b. Using http instead of mobile in my Jython script gets me some of the info 
sets, but still not 'actor'. 
7b. Even though I import sys and append the path to lxml to path, the script 
always falls back to beautifulsoup, and it takes forever. This doesn't happen 
in the interactive shell.

So, now that the background is out of the way, does anyone know why I'm getting 
different results in the shell and the script? Better yet, does anyone know how 
to fix it? If someone can help me fix the lxml thing, that would be helpful, 
but it's not a primary concern.

Thanks in advance,

Nick Cafarchio 
All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
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