On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 8:07 PM, Michael Solsky
<michael.sol...@gmail.com> wrote:
>   I’m attaching two output files.  One from a macbook pro running yosemite 
> 10.10.5, the other is from a raspberry pi 3 running debian.  The database 
> seem to be populate
> d on the mac, but I can’t seem to update the movie object still.  The 
> raspberry pi seemed to get stuck. Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you.

Hi Michael,
The problem seems to be that you hit too many times the query limit of your db:
* FLUSHING MoviesCache...
 * TOO MANY DATA (100000 items in MoviesCache), recursion: 1
   * SPLITTING (run 1 of 2), recursion: 1
 * FLUSHING MoviesCache...
 * TOO MANY DATA (50000 items in MoviesCache), recursion: 2
   * SPLITTING (run 1 of 2), recursion: 2
 * FLUSHING MoviesCache...
   * SPLITTING (run 2 of 2), recursion: 2
 * FLUSHING MoviesCache...
   * SPLITTING (run 2 of 2), recursion: 1

However it may also be a problem in our code.
Are your *certain* to be using the latest version of IMDbPY, right?
We fixed such bugs, some months ago.

If this persists, have you tried increasing max_allowed_packet of
MySQL server to at least 16M?
Another option, is to use a series of CSV files to import the data all
at once, which
should also be faster.
Basically, you've just to create an empty directory somewhere and add
-c /path/to/empty/directory
to the imdbpy2sql.py command line.


Davide Alberani <davide.alber...@gmail.com>  [PGP KeyID: 0x3845A3D4AC9B61AD]

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