Hi all,
as many of you know, IMDbPY is in need of a revamp. :-)

So, while I (again and again) have very little time to devote to it, I
try to slowly improve it.

Right now I've created a "codename-simply" branch, with the intent of
reducing the amount of legacy code and some of the oddities of my
previous choices:
See also issue https://github.com/alberanid/imdbpy/issues/61

My plan is more or less as follow:
* remove the "mobile" parser (done)
* remove SQLObject support (done)
* remove cutils, the utilities written in C (done, not sure it will
not be useful again in the future)
* introduce support for the new data set (to be done:
https://github.com/alberanid/imdbpy/issues/60 )
* move to Python 3 (to be done: https://github.com/alberanid/imdbpy/issues/27 )

Another possible point is:
* remove the BeautifulSoup dependency (python-lxml will be required)

but on this I wait the opinion of Turgut, the main author of that code.

The rationale is to remove unneeded dependencies (like the old SQLObject).
For the moment I've set lxml as a mandatory dependency, but I can
revert it to an optional one.
It has to be said that _bsoup is shipped with our package, so maybe we
can leave it there.

After this little clean-up, I'd like to work, in this order on:
1. the switch to Python 3
2. the new dataset, using SQLAlchemy (unless there are strong opinions
and helping hands to switch to a no-SQL db)

If you have other ideas and/or if you want to help, let us know. :-)

Davide Alberani <davide.alber...@gmail.com>  [PGP KeyID: 0x3845A3D4AC9B61AD]

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