Thanks for response, I try to answer the various questions

>    I didn't find the changeset for the previous import
> type=import is not a good pratice (type is used to describe a relation), 

> the more common tag is import=yes

I've seen many import projects in Italy used the type=import tag in the 
past, so we used the same.

Anyway I have no problem in using import=yes instead, but I really would 
like evidence that it is used by some major QA tools, otherwise the use of 
another tag does not provide any gain.

> and also a good changeset comment, for ex the same as the subjet
> of your email "Import Civic House Numbers in Sondrio"

This is just so obvious we didn't specify it in the wiki page ;-)

> I have looked at the import plan how you intend to merge existing 
> and found this sentence: "In Italy, address data must be placed 
> on nodes because the housenumber identifies the external access that 
> from the street to the housing units (houses, stores, offices, etc).
> Therefore addresses placed on buildings will be removed."

This topic has been discussed with you several times. In Italy, a 
housenumber is "a unique number that identifies an external access that 
from the road leads directly or indirectly to houses, shops, offices, 
garages, etc". It's not a rule of OSM or an opinion, it's something that 
derives from country legislation. I understand it's different from several 
other countries, but we should take it for granted and consider it also 
necessary e.g. an housenumber tag on a building outline will never 
accommodate a building that has several entrances with different numbers, 
as happens very frequently.

> It seems this would affect currently 120 polygons
> e.g.

The wiki page was amended to make clear that the import data is only 
related to the hamlets in the municipal area and not the main city. 

Your examples are out of scope of this import because they are in Sondrio 
and not in a hamlet. Even though they are clearly wrongly tagged.

It seems to me the only building affected is the following one:

Please also note that not only it is wrong that this building has an 
address, but the address is also outdated.

Best Regards,

Stefano and support team

Stefano Losa 
Settore cartografia tecnica, escursionistica, GIS senior
Cell.: +39 339 22 45 295
SeTe Srl
Via Pignotti, 14, 23020, Poggiridenti SO
Tel.: 0342 200296
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