----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lalatendu Mohanty" <lmoha...@redhat.com>
> To: india@lists.fedoraproject.org
> Sent: Monday, July 4, 2016 12:05:34 PM
> Subject: [fedora-india] Re: [Call for Action] Fedora 24 Release party BLR - 
> RSVP required
> On 06/29/2016 01:59 PM, sankarshan wrote:
> > On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 1:46 PM, Ratnadeep Debnath <rtn...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >> On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 7:12 PM, sankarshan <foss.mailingli...@gmail.com>
> >> wrote:
> >>> On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 7:03 PM, Ratnadeep Debnath <rtn...@gmail.com>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>> On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 6:19 PM, Kushal Das <kushal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>>> On 28/06/16, Sumantro Mukherjee wrote:
> >>>>>> I am delighted to announce the Fedora 24 release party which is
> >>>>>> happening in Red Hat,Bangalore office on Sunday 3rd of July from
> >>>>>> 11:00am to 2:00pm. Needless to mention that's open to all and we will
> >>>>>> be discussing about some of the new features and the goodness which
> >>>>>> you can expect from Fedora 24. We will also talk about how you can
> >>>>>> participate in making Fedora better by contributing to different
> >>>>>> projects. We would like to know the amount of people who are willing
> >>>>>> to come up and hence giving us a reply to this email with RSPV might
> >>>>>> help us anticipate the number of attendees.
> >>>>> Just wondering if you have talked with the local ambassadors first, who
> >>>>> organize regular Fedora Bangalore events? I can not see any planning
> >>>>> discussion, just a direct announcement.
> >>> I'm not sure if a conversation with me counts. In continuance of the
> >>> small bits of work Sumantro is putting together, I had requested him
> >>> to check if there is a possibility of putting together a small party
> >>> to celebrate the release of Fedora 24 as well as share the experiences
> >>> of all those who have been taking the small first steps in
> >>> participating within the Test team.
> >> In that way, we should be having multiple small small release parties:
> >> Fedora QA, Fedora Infra, Fedora Cloud, Fedora Docs, etc. and what not.
> >> I am not sure if it's best to have community events in such a segregated
> >> fashion.
> >>
> > Actually that's not a bad idea at all. The nature of a large/broad
> > based event often obfuscates the fact that there the project itself is
> > made up of smaller collectives.
> >
> > A "community" (and we have used that word in abundance in this
> > conversation) is really a group of individuals who have a form of
> > shared interests and goals. So, if a group of individuals who have
> > taken a few first steps in learning how to make their first
> > contributions to a Fedora (sub)project decide it would be nice to
> > celebrate a release they were participating in - what is the exact
> > nature of the concern that we are trying to discuss?
> >
> >>> You'll notice that the agenda is very barebones - that is a request I
> >>> had put forward. Instead of attempting to cover a lot of ground, often
> >>> unfamiliar, focusing on sharing of experiences and learning.
> >>>
> >>>> There were no discussions or planning about this event with Fedora
> >>>> Ambassadors from Bangalore: me and Aditya, AFAIK. All of a sudden, you
> >>>> see an announcement for the event. It's good that some one wants to do
> >>>> a Fedora Release Party, but, a planning without involving the local
> >>>> community members and contributors is not proper.
> >>>>
> >>> I agree. There's nothing which states there has to be only one release
> >>> party at a city. The Ambassadors, who have been long-term participants
> >>> and highly visible are exceptionally adept at pulling together a
> >>> larger event of greater depth.
> >> If we once start doing things like this, individually, without proper
> >> involvement of and discussions with the community, this will encourage
> >> any other guy in the future to conduct his own Fedora event at his/her
> >> whim, which might be misleading from a community point of view. We had
> >> similar experiences in the past where people had even said things like
> >> “Fedora is owned by Red Hat”. We’re just cautious that we don’t end up
> >> communicating any such wrong notions in the future.
> >>
> > I am going to re-hash what I mentioned at the Pune FUDCon - we do need
> > to get off this notion of only the blessed can organize Fedora events.
> > The centralized model failed us at the very point we lacked ownership.
> > Trying a de-centralized approach could be a good step forward.
> I do not see asking existing Fedora contributors if they are interested
> to co-organize a Fedora event is a centralized model. I dislike events
> likes this where the original organizer never asks existing organizers
> or contributors. IMO It is discouraging for people like me.
>   Also giving participants less than one week to respond is a bad idea.
> This is the first release party in Bangalore I have missed in last
> couple of years because of this.
> >
> > Let's cut to the chase - what is the worst that can happen? We'll have
> > a boat load of events which are springing up everywhere? What's the
> > downside in that when contrasted with the fact that we haven't been
> > having regular meetups both for Fedora and participating across other
> > exciting communities (eg. k8s, adb etc)?
> >
> >> My understanding of community is more of collaboration and doing
> >> things together, rather than doing things individually. There is
> >> nothing wrong in doing an internal only event in Red Hat office, but
> >> it should not have been pushed to the India list as a Fedora 24
> >> release party in Bangalore (while cc'ing internal mailing list).
> > I think you are mixing up your knowledge of what comes to you as part
> > of your day job and what has been publicly posted. And I'd like to
> > understand why you think this call-for-action is not "doing things
> > together".

Hey All,
Here is the post event report of Fedora 24 Release Party[1]. It's also linked 
back to the wiki [2].

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