Thank you once again Chris for taking the time to explain things in detail.


> On 4 Oct 2016, at 07:51, J.M. Garg <> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: " 
> <>" < 
> <>>
> Date: 4 Oct 2016 07:25
> Subject: [efloraofindia:252856] Re: Fragaria nubicola ABMAY01/05
> To: "efloraofindia" < 
> <>>
> Cc: 
> Oops!  Just goes to show that one needs to keep up-to-date as to revisions of 
> genera of plants in the Himalaya - and the reality is that the vast majority 
> of genera in the Himalaya are in need of revision, some urgently so, as our 
> understanding of them is very poor.
> Whilst looking into Fragaria nubicola, I noticed that F.bucharica is listed 
> by Dickore & Klimes in their check-list for Ladakh flora.  I had not heard of 
> this species before.  Their is no reference to it.
> I could not readily find any images or descriptions to check.  I then spotted 
> the post of Surajit Kohli from 2015 which had been re-posted, which draws 
> attention to: 
> <>
>  - a revision of the Himalayan species of Fragaria by Gunter Staudt.  I can 
> only access the abstract at present.  Can some get the full article and send 
> a copy to me and summarise the differences between this species and 
> F.nubicola, as I think there may be both species in HP?   Thus we until this 
> is checked, we can only the plant above Mcleod Ganj as provisionally 
> F.nubicola.
> The abstract states that F.bucharica is found in Kashmir (and it seems the 
> Ladakh part but it must be uncommon and restricted to the moister parts close 
> to the border with Kashmir).  F.nubicola is distributed from HP to SW China, 
> whereas F.bucharica is found in Kashmir, presumably N.Pakistan, E.Pakistan 
> and Tadjikistan.
> Yet more names changes to celebrate!  Please note that you find me often 
> saying that I consider this to be a particular species, based on my present 
> understanding, all-too-aware that the situation could change - even for 
> species one is/was fairly confident they knew well!  I repeat and this 
> applies to all science, not just botany but we can ONLY ever say (if we have 
> the necessary expertise) that a plant belongs to a particular species, to the 
> best of our present understanding, mindful that revisions of a genus could be 
> taking place as images are posted.  Or we were not aware of the revisions.  
> The picture is complicated by differences of opinion in the botanical world 
> amongst the taxonomists who revise plants (some of which perform excellent 
> revisions, other not).  So sometimes this means the changes/revisions are not 
> generally accepted or rejected altogether.
> I realise how bewildering this can be and discouraging but we need to keep 
> going.  It also illustrates the NECESSITY for India botany to collaborate 
> internationally and keep up with studies on genera and species found within 
> Indian territory (and bordering countries, as it is worth "keeping a look out 
> for species from bordering countries which may have been overlooked 
> previously).  Likewise, it is ESSENTIAL for Indian botanists who publish 
> species NEW TO SCIENCE or NEW TO INDIA publish in top quality International 
> Journals.  Otherwise their findings cannot be inspected/checked or be made 
> known.
> I am still unable to access a description of a Waldheimia huegelii or know 
> how to distinguish it from other Waldheimias.
> Their is nowadays a International Code which needs to be followed for the 
> VALID naming of a NEW species.  One of the reasons there are so many synonyms 
> for certain species, is that botanists all over the world, acting 
> independently, published species under names without checking - it was much 
> more difficult to do so in the 19th Century.
> Oh Dear, things do have a habit of turning out to be complicated.  We all 
> wish it was simpler and easier but hopefully we can all 'enjoy' or at least 
> put up with the challenges of naming plants - and keeping "up-to-date".
> On Sunday, 3 May 2015 19:25:31 UTC+1, ashwini wrote:
> It was my first time seeing this Himalayan strawberry. We have the Duchesnea 
> indica aplenty but this one is scarce. I saw several plant with flowers today 
> but no fruit.
> Fragaria nubicola (Himalayan Strawberry)
> Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
> 1850m approx. 
> 3 May 2015
> Thanks.
> Ashwini
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