English spelling of Malayalam name corrected ...

*commonly known as*: common knotweed, small knotweed • *Assamese*: বন জালুক
bon jaluk • *Bengali*: চিমটি শাক chimati shaak, খুদি বিষকাঁটালি khudi
bisakamtali, মেছুয়া শাক mechuya shaak, রাণীফুল raniphul • *Dogri*: प्याजी
लालड़ी pyaajee laaladee • *Gujarati*: લાલ ઓખરાડ lal okharad, રાતો લૂણો rato
luno • *Hindi*: चिमटी साग chimati saag, लाल बूटी lal buti, मचेची machechi •
*Kachchhi*: રતનજોત ratanjot • *Kannada*: ಕೆಂಪು ನೆಲ ಅಕ್ಕಿ kempu nela akki,
ಸೀರನಿಗೆ ಸೊಪ್ಪು siranige soppu • *Malayalam*: പേരാറാത്ത peraratha •
*Manipuri*: তৰাকমনা tarakmana • *Marathi*: गुलाबी गोधडी gulabi godhadi •
*Nepali*: बलुने साग balune saag, बेथे bethe, लट्टे झार latte jhaar, मसिनो
पिरे masino pire, सुकुल झार sukul jhaar • *Odia*: ମୁଠି ଶାଗ muthi sag •
*Rajasthani*: गुलाबी gulabi, लाल बूटी lal buti • *Sanskrit*: सर्पाक्षी
sarpakshi, सर्पलोचना sarpalochana • *Santali*: ᱢᱩᱡ ᱟᱨᱟᱜ muc arak, ᱨᱟᱱᱤᱯᱷᱩᱞ
raniphul • *Telugu*: చిమటి కూర chimati kura

Names compiled / updated at


On Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 1:05 PM Dinesh Valke <dinesh.va...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks very much, Sam ji, for validating the Malayalam names, and for the
> appreciation.
> Will try to keep in mind the exception about the double "th".
> Regards.
> Dinesh
> On Sun, Apr 28, 2024 at 11:03 PM Sam Kuzhalanattu <
> samkuzhalana...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Dinesh ji,
>> Nice pic and good work.
>> In English spelling, never repeat 'th', so it is *പേരാറാത്ത peraratha.*
>> Regards, Sam.
>> On Sun, 28 Apr 2024, 3:59 pm Dinesh Valke, <dinesh.va...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Polygonum plebeium R.Br.
>>> [image: Polygonum plebeium R.Br.]
>>> <https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/115952857>
>>> *pol-LIG-go-num* -- many knee joints, angles ... Dave's Botanary
>>> <http://davesgarden.com/guides/botanary/search.php?search_text=Polygonum>
>>> *PLEE-bee-um* -- common ... Dave's Botanary
>>> <http://davesgarden.com/guides/botanary/search.php?search_text=plebeium>
>>> *commonly known as*: common knotweed, small knotweed • *Assamese*: বন
>>> জালুক bon jaluk • *Bengali*: চিমটি শাক chimati shaak, খুদি বিষকাঁটালি
>>> khudi bisakamtali, মেছুয়া শাক mechuya shaak, রাণীফুল raniphul • *Dogri*:
>>> प्याजी लालड़ी pyaajee laaladee • *Gujarati*: લાલ ઓખરાડ lal okharad, રાતો
>>> લૂણો rato luno • *Hindi*: चिमटी साग chimati saag, लाल बूटी lal buti,
>>> मचेची machechi • *Kachchhi*: રતનજોત ratanjot • *Kannada*: ಕೆಂಪು ನೆಲ
>>> ಅಕ್ಕಿ kempu nela akki, ಸೀರನಿಗೆ ಸೊಪ್ಪು siranige soppu • *Malayalam*:
>>> പേരരത്ത peraraththa • *Manipuri*: তৰাকমনা tarakmana • *Marathi*: गुलाबी
>>> गोधडी gulabi godhadi • *Nepali*: बलुने साग balune saag, बेथे bethe,
>>> लट्टे झार latte jhaar, मसिनो पिरे masino pire, सुकुल झार sukul jhaar •
>>> *Odia*: ମୁଠି ଶାଗ muthi sag • *Rajasthani*: गुलाबी gulabi, लाल बूटी lal
>>> buti • *Sanskrit*: सर्पाक्षी sarpakshi, सर्पलोचना sarpalochana •
>>> *Santali*: ᱢᱩᱡ ᱟᱨᱟᱜ muc arak, ᱨᱟᱱᱤᱯᱷᱩᱞ raniphul • *Telugu*: చిమటి కూర
>>> chimati kura
>>> *botanical names*: *Polygonum plebeium* R.Br ... a long list of
>>> heterotypic synonyms at POWO <https://powo.science.kew.org/>, retrieved
>>> 27 April 2024 ... orthographic variants: *Polygonum plebejum* R.Br. / 
>>> *Polygonum
>>> plebejum* F.Muell. ... found listed in old Floras (Flora of Assam,
>>> Bengal Plants, &c)
>>> Bibliography / etymology
>>> Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid
>>> permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise
>>> their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites
>>> may even close down at their own will.
>>> ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
>>> written and spoken widely, in most parts of India
>>> *common knotweed*
>>>    - Wikipedia <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polygonum_plebeium> - The
>>>    Free Encyclopedia
>>> *small knotweed*
>>>    - Flowers of India, retrieved April 27, 2024
>>>    <http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Small%20Knotweed.html>
>>> ~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
>>> written in: *Assamese* (অসমীয়া) ... spoken in: *Assam*, Arunachal
>>> Pradesh, Meghalaya
>>> *বন জালুক bon jaluk*
>>>    - Comments in Shri Poran Sonowal's post in facebook
>>> <https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=199373483763388&set=gm.1764054650492119>
>>>    - Baree
>>> <https://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/bitstream/123456789/56317/1/Baree%20The%20Home%20Garden%20of%20Assam.pdf>
>>>    - The Home Garden of Assam
>>> ~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
>>> written in: *Bengali* (বাংলা) ... spoken in: *West Bengal*, Assam,
>>> Jharkhand, Tripura, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
>>> *চিমটি শাক chimati shaak, রাণীফুল raniphul*
>>>    - Many thanks to Enjamul Hoque for his post in facebook
>>> <https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1567008920097506&set=gm.315494359129852&type=3&theater>
>>> *খুদি বিষকাঁটালি khudi bisakamtali, মেছুয়া শাক mechuya shaak*
>>>    - Flora - Mehedi Voice
>>>    <https://mehedivoice.blogspot.com/p/flora.html>
>>> ~~~~~ DOGRI ~~~~~
>>> written in: *Devanagari* (डोगरी) ... spoken in: *Jammu & Kashmir* ...
>>> spoken by the Dogras
>>> *प्याजी लालड़ी pyaajee laaladee*
>>>    - Many thanks to OM Prakash Vidyarthi for help with this name ...
>>>    facebook
>>> <https://www.facebook.com/vomprakash/posts/pfbid02DHcacTqdu5xMsFYVhHHW7ZsrxCZFyyewDLd4WiN2Ezpgkyx7Z7zEBKTWN8xr5Znhl>
>>> ~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
>>> written in: *Gujarati* (ગુજરાતી) ... spoken in: *Gujarat*, *Dadra &
>>> Nagar Haveli*, *Daman & Diu*
>>> *લાલ ઓખરાડ lal okharad, રાતો લૂણો rato luno*
>>>    - વનસ્પતીઓ ના ગુજરાતી તથા બોટનીકલ નામ ની યાદી
>>>    <https://groups.google.com/g/indiantreepix/c/cGJt67sMbng/m/dq0c7kFEAgAJ>
>>>    (વૈધ કે.જે.ઝાલા)
>>> ~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
>>> written in: *Devanagari* (हिन्दी) ... spoken in: *Uttar Pradesh*,
>>> *Bihar*, *Madhya Pradesh*, Rajasthan
>>> *चिमटी साग chimati saag, मचेची machechi*
>>>    - कृषिका
>>>    <https://krishiguru2013.blogspot.com/2018/10/blog-post_62.html> -
>>>    प्रकृति का उपहार छत्तीसगढ़ में भाजियों की भरमार : भाग-1 - डॉ. गजेन्द्र 
>>> सिंह
>>>    तोमर
>>> *लाल बूटी lal buti*
>>>    - FRLHT's ENVIS Centre on Medicinal Plants
>>> <http://envis.frlht.org/plantdetails/8886f3865c8d2ecb0a7aa65fbefc76ed/8c24f2550c1cf15668c499b449b9d8d8>
>>> ~~~~~ KACHCHHI ~~~~~
>>> written in: *Gujarati* (કચ્છી), Sindhi (ڪڇّي) ... spoken in: *Kutch*
>>> region of Gujarat
>>> *રતનજોત ratanjot*
>>>    - for variety ... *Polygonum plebejum* R.Br. *var. elegans* Hook.f.
>>> ~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
>>> written in: *Kannada* (ಕನ್ನಡ) ... spoken in: *Karnataka*
>>> *ಕೆಂಪು ನೆಲ ಅಕ್ಕಿ kempu nela akki*
>>>    - FRLHT's ENVIS Centre on Medicinal Plants
>>> <http://envis.frlht.org/plantdetails/8886f3865c8d2ecb0a7aa65fbefc76ed/8c24f2550c1cf15668c499b449b9d8d8>
>>>    - S G Narsimhachar - Latin and Kannada names of indigenous and
>>>    medicinal plants of Mysore
>>>    <http://mdl.mandayamsabha.in/uploads/book/bk_1605597283.pdf> -
>>>    Mandayam Digital Library
>>> *ಸೀರನಿಗೆ ಸೊಪ್ಪು siranige soppu*
>>>    - FRLHT's ENVIS Centre on Medicinal Plants
>>> <http://envis.frlht.org/plantdetails/8886f3865c8d2ecb0a7aa65fbefc76ed/8c24f2550c1cf15668c499b449b9d8d8>
>>>    - S G Narsimhachar - Latin and Kannada names of indigenous and
>>>    medicinal plants of Mysore
>>>    <http://mdl.mandayamsabha.in/uploads/book/bk_1605597283.pdf> -
>>>    Mandayam Digital Library
>>>    - Alar - an authoritative Kannada-English dictionary corpus
>>> <https://alar.ink/dictionary/kannada/english/%E0%B2%B8%E0%B3%80%E0%B2%B0%E0%B2%A8%E0%B2%BF%E0%B2%97%E0%B3%86+%E0%B2%B8%E0%B3%8A%E0%B2%AA%E0%B3%8D%E0%B2%AA%E0%B3%81>
>>>    created by V. Krishna
>>> ~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
>>> written in: *Malayalam* (മലയാളം) ... spoken in: *Kerala*, Lakshadweep
>>> *പേരരത്ത peraraththa*
>>>    - Many thanks to Vinaya Raj V R and VC Balakrishnan for help swith
>>>    this name ... facebook
>>> <https://www.facebook.com/groups/Malayalamplantnames/1085210608342955/?comment_id=1113163465547669&notif_id=1560356752914730&notif_t=group_comment>
>>> ~~~~~ MANIPURI ~~~~~
>>> written in: *Meiteilon* (ꯃꯩꯇꯩꯂꯣꯟ) ... spoken in: *Manipur* ... other
>>> names for this language: Meetei
>>> *ꯇꯔꯥꯛꯃꯅꯥ tarakmana*
>>>    - Flowers of India, retrieved April 27, 2024
>>>    <http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Small%20Knotweed.html>
>>> ~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
>>> written in: *Devanagari* (मराठी) ... spoken in: *Maharashtra*,
>>> Karnataka
>>> *गुलाबी गोधडी gulabi godhadi*
>>>    - name coined, for want of name, by Shrikant Ingalhalikar, the
>>>    author of *Further Flowers of Sahyadri*, the second among the three
>>>    field guides to identify plants of northern Western Ghats of India, based
>>>    on flowers
>>> ~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
>>> written in: *Devanagari* (नेपाली) ... spoken in: *Nepal*, *West Bengal*,
>>> *Assam*, *Sikkim*
>>> *बलुने साग balune saag, बेथे bethe, लट्टे झार latte jhaar, मसिनो पिरे
>>> masino pire, सुकुल झार sukul jhaar*
>>>    - Many thanks to Saroj Kumar Kasaju for help with these names ...
>>>    efloraofindia
>>>    <https://groups.google.com/d/msg/indiantreepix/al8QxznKZDU/93QKzl6RAgAJ>
>>> ~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
>>> written in: *Odia* (ଓଡ଼ିଆ) ... spoken in: *Odisha*, Andaman & Nicobar
>>> Islands
>>> *ମୁଠି ଶାଗ muthi sag*
>>>    - ଉଇକିପିଡ଼ିଆ
>>> <https://or.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E0%AC%AC%E0%AD%8D%E0%AD%9F%E0%AC%AC%E0%AC%B9%E0%AC%BE%E0%AC%B0%E0%AC%95%E0%AC%BE%E0%AC%B0%E0%AD%80:MKar/%E0%AC%89%E0%AC%A6%E0%AD%8D%E0%AC%AD%E0%AC%BF%E0%AC%A6>
>>>    - ଏକ ଖୋଲା ଜ୍ଞାନକୋଷ
>>> ~~~~~ RAJASTHANI ~~~~~
>>> written in: *Devanagari* (राजस्थानी) ... spoken in: *Rajasthan*
>>> *गुलाबी gulabi, लाल बूटी lal buti*
>>>    - Manju Chaudhary and S.K. Shringi - Floristic Composition of Beer
>>>    Jhunjhunu Conservation Reserve of Rajasthan, India
>>>    <http://www.thebiobrio.in/content.aspx?id=57> - The Biobrio 4(1 &
>>>    2), 2017
>>> ~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
>>> written in: *Devanagari* (संस्कृतम्) ... used all over India by priests
>>> and scholars
>>> *सर्पाक्षी sarpakshi, सर्पलोचना sarpalochana*
>>>    - FRLHT's ENVIS Centre on Medicinal Plants
>>> <http://envis.frlht.org/plantdetails/8886f3865c8d2ecb0a7aa65fbefc76ed/8c24f2550c1cf15668c499b449b9d8d8>
>>> ~~~~~ SANTALI ~~~~~
>>> written in: *Ol Chiki* (ᱥᱟᱱᱛᱟᱲᱤ), Bengali (সাঁওতালী), Odia (ସାନ୍ତାଳୀ),
>>> Devanagari (सान्ताली), Roman ... spoken in: *Jharkhand*, *West Bengal*,
>>> Odisha
>>> *ᱢᱩᱡ ᱟᱨᱟᱜ muc arak*
>>>    - A Santali-English dictionary
>>> <https://archive.org/details/cu31924096339464/page/424/mode/2up?q=Polygonum>
>>>    by A. Campbell, of the Santal mission
>>> *ᱨᱟᱱᱤᱯᱷᱩᱞ raniphul*
>>>    <https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.47849/page/n5/mode/2up>
>>>    VOL. II by PRAIN, DAVID
>>> ~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
>>> written in: *Telugu* ( తెలుగు) ... spoken in: *Andhra Pradesh*,
>>> *Telangana*, Puducherry
>>> *చిమటి కూర chimati kura*
>>>    - Flora Andhrika
>>>    <https://floraandhrika.blogspot.com/search?q=Polygonum+plebeium> -
>>>    Plant Wealth of Andhra Pradesh, India
>>> ~~~~~ DISTRIBUTION in INDIA ~~~~~
>>> almost throughout
>>>    - Hassler, Michael (1994 - 2023): World Plants. Synonymic Checklist
>>>    and Distribution of the World Flora.
>>> <https://www.worldplants.de/world-plants-complete-list/complete-plant-list>
>>>    Version 19.2; last update April 17th, 2024. Last accessed 27/04/2024.
>>> ~~~~~ Last updated: 28-04-2024 ~~~~~
>>> Names compiled / updated at
>>> https://dineshvalke.blogspot.com/2024/04/polygonum-plebeium-rbr.html
>>> Regards.
>>> Dinesh
>>> On Sun, Apr 28, 2024 at 3:55 PM Dinesh Valke <dinesh.va...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Names compiled / updated at
>>>> https://dineshvalke.blogspot.com/2024/04/polygonum-plebeium-rbr.html
>>>> Regards.
>>>> Dinesh
>>>> On Thursday 13 June 2019 at 19:10:16 UTC+5:30 Dinesh Valke wrote:
>>>>> Names update:
>>>>> • *Malayalam*: പേരരത്ത peraraththa
>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/malayalam/peraratta-peraraththa>
>>>>> Regards.
>>>>> Dinesh
>>>>> On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 11:30 PM Ushadi Micromini <micromi...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I know
>>>>>> in some of the Ayurvedic traditional science classes i used to take ,
>>>>>> just to take my mind off the cancer patients plight in the western
>>>>>> medicine model
>>>>>> we ran into this name RatanJot
>>>>>> and some of the professors from BHU were guesting
>>>>>> they talked of many plants and their products called ratan jot
>>>>>> i perhaps have the list someplace in my notes
>>>>>> and they also mentioned
>>>>>> the deliberate confusion created
>>>>>> the story i told you above
>>>>>> so much for the royal chefs' ego!!!
>>>>>> they also used it in meat dishes mainly
>>>>>> and in hunting parties mainly
>>>>>> that perhaps explains why  i have not found it mentioned in both my
>>>>>> grandma's kitchen notes
>>>>>> Usha di
>>>>>> ===========
>>>>>> On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 11:13 PM Dinesh Valke <dinesh...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Names update:
>>>>>>>   • *Nepali*: बलुने साग balune saag
>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/nepali/balune-saga-balune-saag>,
>>>>>>> बेथे bethe
>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/nepali/bethe-bethe>,
>>>>>>> लट्टे झार latte jhaar
>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/nepali/latte-jhara-latte-jhaar>,
>>>>>>> मसिनो पिरे masino pire
>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/nepali/masino-pire-masino-pire>,
>>>>>>> सुकुल झार sukul jhaar
>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/nepali/sukula-jhara-sukul-jhaar>
>>>>>>> Regards.
>>>>>>> Dinesh
>>>>>>> On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 10:50 PM Dinesh Valke <dinesh...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I am not very sure ... this plant too is used as greens.
>>>>>>>> रतनजोत ratanjot
>>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/hindi/ratanajota-ratanjot>
>>>>>>>> ... In literature, the vernacular name *ratanjot* is attributed to
>>>>>>>> at least 15 plant species spanning four different families ... research
>>>>>>>> paper
>>>>>>>> <http://nopr.niscair.res.in/bitstream/123456789/4034/1/NPR%208%282%29%20142-145.pdf>.
>>>>>>>> Regards.
>>>>>>>> Dinesh
>>>>>>>> On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 10:39 PM Ushadi Micromini <
>>>>>>>> micromi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> is this the ratan jot that some royal chefs used to use long ago
>>>>>>>>> to give their curry a red tinge
>>>>>>>>> and have kept it a secret from the cooking experts and regular
>>>>>>>>> culinary schools etc
>>>>>>>>> i wonder
>>>>>>>>> Usha di
>>>>>>>>> ===========
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 10:17 PM Saroj Kasaju <kasaj...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> मसिनो पिरे Masino Pire । सुकुल झार Sukul Jhaar । बलुने साग Balune
>>>>>>>>>> Saag । लट्टे झार Latte Jhaar
>>>>>>>>>> including Bethe !
>>>>>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>>>>>> Saroj Kasaju
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 8:04 PM Dinesh Valke <dinesh...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> via Species
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-species>‎
>>>>>>>>>>> > ‎P
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-species/p>‎
>>>>>>>>>>> > ‎
>>>>>>>>>>> *Polygonum plebeium* R.Br. ... *family*: Polygonaceae
>>>>>>>>>>> [image: Polygonum plebeium R.Br.]
>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.flickr.com%2Fphotos%2Fdinesh_valke%2F5781013727%2F&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNH9Ts9KZCspJxoOzlwX1bhZiJVvWQ>
>>>>>>>>>>> [image: Flowers of India]
>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.flowersofindia.net%2Frisearch%2Fsearch.php%3Fquery%3DPolygonum%2Bplebeium%26stpos%3D0%26stype%3DAND&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNHgKuIXwH-d51q28veZndrIlz0Qww>
>>>>>>>>>>>  [image: Discussions at efloraofindia]
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!searchin/indiantreepix/Polygonum%20plebeium>
>>>>>>>>>>>  [image: more views in flickr]
>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.flickr.com%2Fsearch%2F%3Fq%3DPolygonumplebeium%26m%3Dtags%26z%3Dm&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFksOHEUFdwARvhrHsnQdCdUaFJ1g>
>>>>>>>>>>>  [image: more views on Google Earth]
>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.flickr.com%2Fservices%2Ffeeds%2Fgeo%2Findia%2F%26tags%3DPolygonumplebeium%26format%3Dkml_nl&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFK-Sex0cCyUlkSK5-yaL0X4ldGfw>
>>>>>>>>>>> *pol-LIG-go-num* -- many knee joints, angles ... Dave's Botanary
>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fdavesgarden.com%2Fguides%2Fbotanary%2Fsearch.php%3Fsearch_text%3DPolygonum&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNG0Lp5aUyQ0iWgABC5WdGHH1JRmfQ>
>>>>>>>>>>> *PLEE-bee-um* -- common ... Dave's Botanary
>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fdavesgarden.com%2Fguides%2Fbotanary%2Fsearch.php%3Fsearch_text%3Dplebeium&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFD_PAzIzYMQcTum_09jucY8izkkA>
>>>>>>>>>>> *commonly known as*: common knotweed
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/english/common-knotweed>,
>>>>>>>>>>> small knotweed
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/english/small-knotweed>
>>>>>>>>>>> • *Bengali*: চিমটি শাক chimati shaak
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/bengali/cimati-saka-chimati-shaak>,
>>>>>>>>>>> খুদি বিষকাঁটালি khudi bisakamtali
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/bengali/khudi-bisakamtali-khudi-bisakamtali>,
>>>>>>>>>>> মেছুয়া শাক mechuya shaak
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/bengali/mechuya-saka-mechuya-shaak>,
>>>>>>>>>>> রাণীফুল raniphul
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/bengali/raniphula-raniphul>
>>>>>>>>>>> • *Gujarati*: ઝીણકો ઓખરાડ jhinko okharad
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/gujarati/jhinako-okharada-jhinko-okharad>
>>>>>>>>>>> • *Hindi*: चिमटी साग chimati saag
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/hindi/cimati-saga-chimati-saag>,
>>>>>>>>>>> लाल बूटी lal buti
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/hindi/lala-buti-lal-buti>,
>>>>>>>>>>> मचेची machechi
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/hindi/maceci-machechi>
>>>>>>>>>>> • *Kachchhi*: રતનજોત ratanjot
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/kachchhi/ratanajota-ratanjot>
>>>>>>>>>>> • *Kannada*: ಕೆಂಪು ನೆಲ ಅಕ್ಕಿ kempu nela akki
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/kannada/kempu-nela-akki-kempu-nela-akki>,
>>>>>>>>>>> ಸೀರನಿಗೆ ಸೊಪ್ಪು siranige soppu
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/kannada/siranige-soppu-siranige-soppu>
>>>>>>>>>>> • *Manipuri*: তৰাকমনা tarakmana
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/manipuri/taraakamana-tarakmana>
>>>>>>>>>>> • *Marathi*: गुलाबी गोधडी gulabi godhadi
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/marathi/gulabi-godhadi-gulabi-godhadi>
>>>>>>>>>>> • *Nepali*: बेथे bethe
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/nepali/bethe-bethe-1>
>>>>>>>>>>> • *Odia*: ମୁଠି ଶାଗ muthi sag
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/oriya/muthi-saga-muthi-sag>
>>>>>>>>>>> • *Sanskrit*: सर्पाक्षी sarpakshi
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/sanskrit/sarpaksi-sarpakshi>,
>>>>>>>>>>> सर्पलोचना sarpalochana
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/sanskrit/sarpalocana-sarpalochana>
>>>>>>>>>>> • *Telugu*: చిమటి కూర chimati kura
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/telugu/cimati-kura-chimati-kura>
>>>>>>>>>>> *botanical names*: *Polygonum plebeium* R.Br. ... *synonyms*: 
>>>>>>>>>>> *Polygonum
>>>>>>>>>>> aviculare* var. *minutiflorum* Franch. • *Polygonum changii*
>>>>>>>>>>> Kitag. • *Polygonum herniarioides* Spreng. • *Polygonum
>>>>>>>>>>> parviflorum* Y.L. Chang & S.H. Li • *Polygonum roxburghii*
>>>>>>>>>>> Meisn. ... status at *The Plants List* (2013). Version 1.1.
>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theplantlist.org%2Ftpl1.1%2Frecord%2Fkew-2573805&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNGSOs3n7CuVP1SLoTHfZnepv3RKcg>
>>>>>>>>>>> May 29, 2011 ... along KSH 34, Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards.
>>>>>>>>>>> Dinesh
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