need to local flora....we may corr. to Yadav Sir, further confirmation.

Dr. Pankaj N. Joshi, Programme Coordinator 
175- Jalaram Society, B/h. Vishwamangal Appt., 
Vijay Nagar, Hospital Road
Bhuj-Kutch, Gujarat: 370001 (India) 
Phone: 91 2832 251814, Fax: 91 2832 251914, 
Mobile: 9426949523
Office E-mail:

--- On Tue, 16/8/11, J.M. Garg <> wrote:

From: J.M. Garg <>
Subject: Fwd: [efloraofindia:77254] Flacourtia species for ID.
To: "efloraofindia" <>
Cc:,,,,,,,,,,, "Vijayasankar Raman" 
Date: Tuesday, 16 August, 2011, 6:35 PM

Forwarding again for Id confirmation or otherwise please.
Some earlier relevant feedback:
“After reading a lot from older posts and literature I understood some 
important points about Flacourtia genus............
1) It now belongs to Salicaceae and previously to Flacourtiaceae.
2) The flowers are without petals. Only sepals
3) Flowers are unisexual. Fruit is a berry.rather than a capsule as in Casearia 
(My pictures are probably showing only male flowers)
4) If one sees female flowers one has to look carefully for the stigma and 
style to differentiate between the species.
5) There is a lot of confusion between F.indica and F. latifolia.
6) Acc. Flora of BSI Mah ; 
Styles absent(stigma sessile)...F.latifolia
Styles distinct and conspicuous:
     Tomentose young twigs; leaves turning brown on drying  ....    F.montana
     Glabrous young twigs; Leaves not turning brown             ....    
7)Cooke's Flora doesn't mention F.indica.
8) From Cooke's flora. the size of flower is a good additional differentiating 
   Drupe size of a cherry; scarlet when ripe 
...............................................................F. Montana
Drupe size of a plum; purple when ripe…………………………………………………………………F.cataphracta
Drupe size of a pea;
Stigmas  5-11………………………………………………………………………………………………………….F.Ramontchii
Stigmas   3-4……………………………………………………………………………………………………………F.latifolia
9) In all the above species the thorns do not bear flowers and fruits.Cooke 
mentions about one species 
which bears flowers and fruits on thorns as F.sepiaria   
Now I have to go to the species and check for female flowers; check for the 
young twigs to see whether they are glabrous ortomentose.....hmmmmm
and also take some leaves for drying to see whether they turn brown.I think I 
had kept some twigs for 2 days which dried but did not turn brown.
Dr Phadke”
“This could be a male plant of Flacourtia ramontchi. 
We have discussed this earlier also, I think. Again there is difference of 
opinion about its synonymy with F. indica. 
Vijayasankar Raman”

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Satish Phadke <>
Date: 23 January 2011 14:52
Subject: [efloraofindia:60966] Flacourtia species for ID.
To: indiantreepix <>

I think this is Flacourtia latifolia T.Cooke. Please validate.
A small tree flowering presently (23 Jan 2010) on Vetal Tekdi Pune.
Armed with sharp spines. Leaves ovate, obovate alternate with serrate margins 
red petiole.
Flowers yellow with many stamens. No styles or stigmas visible. Size 0.5 cm or 
so. in small racemes.
Dr Phadke


With regards,
J.M.Garg (
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