Noel L Yap wrote:
> With the advent of (idiotic) paths with spaces in them, it's become important to
> deal with them.

Talking about UNIX (vanilla) Make and GNU Make, I'd say that you're in
for some fun and games if you try to make this robust against spaces in
path names by using some general set of rules. It would be possible to
put quotes around all macro expansions where one path name is known to
be expanded (as in "$(CLEARTOOL)" in your example). But what do you do
with $^, for instance?

And: Some manipulation functions work on space separated lists of names
- obviously you'd have to avoid them: $(filter PAT,TEXT), $(addsuffix
SUF,NAMES), and so on.

Another caveat: Sometimes it's a good idea to add some option to the
program name when defining a macro:
   RM = /bin/rm -f
Now, wrapping the expansion in quotes won't do...

Good luck,

> I was thinking of the following style rule for calling executables:
> 1. When calling executables, wrap the executable name in double quotes.  This is
> even more important if a macro is being used instead of a hard-coded executable
> name.  For example:
> Instead of:
>      ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
>           CLEARTOOL:=//c/Program Files/Rational/ClearCase/bin/cleartool
>      else
>           CLEARTOOL:=/usr/atria/bin/cleartool
>      endif
>      help:
>           $(CLEARTOOL) help
> You have:
>      ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
>           CLEARTOOL:=//c/Program Files/Rational/ClearCase/bin/cleartool
>      else
>           CLEARTOOL:=/usr/atria/bin/cleartool
>      endif
>      help:
>           "$(CLEARTOOL)" help
> Aside from "preventing" (ie ignoring) the problem, has anyone else found a good
> way to deal with the situation?
> Note that I have considered the alternatives of:
> CLEARTOOL:="//c/Program Files/Rational/ClearCase/bin/cleartool"
> and:
> CLEARTOOL:=//c/Program\ Files/Rational/ClearCase/bin/cleartool
> The former has a problem when using $(CLEARTOOL) within another set of double
> quotes.  The latter has a problem when passing $(CLEARTOOL) to another script.
> However, wrapping the call in double quotes makes the makefile less legible.
> Thanks,
> Noel
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