Zieg, Mark wrote:
>>>I have to sync two CVS repositories located on two non-
>>>connected networks.  
>>If you MUST do this (and it is almost certain that you do
>>not need to, but that's another story)
> I assume that you've never had to develop under DOD-enforced contract
> requirements, or you wouldn't have written that.  Anyway, the justification

        Nope.  I was thinking of DoD, that's why I wrote "almost".  The DoD 
leads the list of "industries that don't understand digital security". 
  (And no, I'm not thumbing my nose at you for working there)

> Duly noted.  For the record, does anyone have a suggestion for an
> open-source CM tool which _is_ designed for use in this manner?  Again,
> assuming that the repositories must be on physically disjunct networks, such
> that any synchronization would have to be via hand-ported media in
> human-readable format (ie, diff patches on CD-R, etc).

        I suspect you won't find one, since, as mentioned before, this is 
fundamentally bad practice with a simple solution - single repository 
operation.  (A "real" solution for this is mindbogglingly complicated, 
due to all the special cases that can arise).  I know that the subject 
comes up a lot, but I've never seen anyone come back with a solid 
answer.  I think most of the solutions that get implemented are 
painful but workable ones like the one I suggested, or the one you 
outline below.

> I don't debate that this is stretching the intended functionality of CVS,
> but I would nonetheless prefer finding a way to use an open-source CM tool
> such as CVS than rely on a proprietary commercial vendor "solution".

        Sounds good.  However, you aren't "stretching", you're "redefining". 
  Please keep in mind that CVS will only be a component in a system of 
your own design.

> I'm still working on a satisfactory algorithm for this, but my current
> thinking bends toward a classic master-slave synchronization effort, ie
> treat one repository as the "master" (main trunk) as the other as a slave
> ("branch").  Then all we have to do is merge the branch back into the main
> trunk, then re-spawn a fresh copy of the master to start a new branch.

        That should work OK, but you will have to shutdown the slave during 
synchronization and force update (and possible merge) of all slave 
clients when you bring it back up.

> (Although I'm using the term "branch", I'm not currently planning to make
> use of actual CVS branches...should I?  Is there room for an efficient
> optimization by using that feature?)

        Almost certainly not, perhaps someone else is more inspired than I. 
The one thing I think might help would be per-file branches, which I 
mention below.

> This visualizes my approach:
> (RepoA and RepoB are Repositories on Networks NetA and NetB.)
> RepoA
> -------------
> foo.c @  1.1
> foo.c -> 1.2
> foo.c -> 1.3
>>>>copy RepoA to RepoB
>     |
>     | \
>     |   \
>     |     \
>     |       \
>     |         \
>     |           \
>     \/           _|
> RepoA           RepoB
> -------------   ------------
> foo.c @  1.3  | foo.c @  1.3
> foo.c -> 1.4  |
>               | foo.c -> 1.4 (alpha mod)
> foo.c -> 1.5  |
> foo.c -> 1.6  |
>               | foo.c -> 1.5 (bravo mod)
> foo.c -> 1.7  |
>>>>time to sync changes!
>               | collect all diffs
>               |    to all files
>               |    (2 diffs for foo.c),
>               |
>              <--  transport to RepoA
>               |
> foreach file, |
> foreach diff, |
> apply & comm. |
>               |
> foo.c -> 1.8  |
> foo.c -> 1.9  |
>               |
> foo.c now has |
>   alpha and   |
>   bravo mods  |
>               |

        WHOOT!  WHOOT!  WHOOT!  Danger, Will Robinson!  Are you ABSOLUTELY 
CERTAIN that the person merging the databases will be able to merge 
the files?  If not, you're either going to have to shuttle developers 
into and out of the RepoA location (with both repos down in the 
meantime), or prepare for long periods of broken trees.

        Another thing that you could do here would be per-file branches, only 
for files that have conflicts like this.  So your file would now 
history like:

      | \
      |   \
      |     \
      |       \
      |         \
      |           \
      \/           _|

     trunk           diff_branch_2002_08_09
  -------------   ------------
  foo.c @  1.3  | foo.c @
  foo.c -> 1.4  |
                | foo.c -> (alpha mod)
  foo.c -> 1.5  |
  foo.c -> 1.6  |
                | foo.c -> (bravo mod)
  foo.c -> 1.7  |

      |           /
      |         /
      |       /
      |     /
      |   /
      | /

   foo.c -> 1.8 (merged)

        With this, you still have a viable archive (provided foo.c isn't the 
file that everything else depends on), and may be able to overwrite 
RepoB with this and proceed for the next cycle while the foo.c 
developers do the merge.

        Structuring your files to minimize simultaneous alternate location 
development will pay off big here.

>>>>copy RepoA to RepoB
>     |
>     | \
>     |   \
>     |     \
>     |       \
>     |         \
>     |           \
>     \/           _|
> RepoA           RepoB
> -------------   ------------
> foo.c @  1.9  | foo.c @  1.9
>               |
>               V
> ...of course, this is of less help to Piet, who already has split
> repositories, and may or may not have a common base version from which to
> apply a "merge".  However, I have the advantage of having not yet split my
> development, so I still have a chance to plan things out and initialize the
> sets accordingly...

        That does help you a lot, but a method that can synchronize two trees 
that diverged last week can synchronize two trees that diverged last 
year, if a bit more painfully.

> I haven't worked out the mechanics of extracting the diffs, but with a bit
> of Perl and what-not it shouldn't be difficult to preserve log messages.  I
> thought about trying to override the author/date attributes of the diffs,
> but even if that were feasible and convenient, it would be a little weird if
> "rev 1.8" seemed to be datestamped before "1.7"...therefore, I'll probably
> just append the original (RepoB) author and date onto the log message as
> each diff is re-applied.

        OK, you're going to want to apply tags (e.g. Sync_2002_08_09) that 
you can use to determine which version was the last common baseline. 
 From there, you'll be able to use cvs diff and cvs log with revisions 
specified to yield per-commit patches, which you can use to commit the 
changes to RepoA as they were committed to RepoB.

> Comments vigorously solicited!

        Ugh - brayn hurtz.


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