> Kenneth Murchison writes:
> >
> >Damn!  My Linux development system treats unreliable signals as
> >reliable, so I never caught this glaring error.  I just verified that
> >the current code will NOT work correctly on Solaris 7+ and IRIX 6.x.
> This may be unrelated, but I notice that idled disappears a day or
> so after it's started.  I get these messages:
> Jan  3 21:12:50 setup16 master[3226]: [ID 392559 local6.debug] about to exec 
> Jan  4 09:37:31 setup16 lmtpd[3766]: [ID 840128 local6.error] error sending to 
>idled: 2
> This is cyrus-imapd-2.0.9 under Solaris-8.  I didn't notice any cores.

Hmmm...  it's run for weeks here on my linux box.

Is idled truely not running, or it just isn't accepting any messages via
the socket?

Any messages in the imapd.log about idled dying or having problems?

Do you have a lot of users using clients which support IDLE (Outlook)?

Just out of curiosity, when idled dies, are the clients still able to
use IDLE?  It should fall back to idle_poll functionality in this case
(unless you set imapidlepoll=0 in imapd.conf)

Kenneth Murchison     Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer     21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26      Orchard Park, NY 14127
--PGP Public Key--    http://www.oceana.com/~ken/ksm.pgp

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