Kenneth Murchison writes:
>Hmmm...  it's run for weeks here on my linux box.
>Is idled truely not running, or it just isn't accepting any messages via
>the socket?

The process disappears.  I can start it by hand, and it will run
for a while.  I can keep a closer watch on it.

>Any messages in the imapd.log about idled dying or having problems?

Not a whisper.

>Do you have a lot of users using clients which support IDLE (Outlook)?

Probably none.  It looked like a good idea, so I configured cyrus
to use it.

>Just out of curiosity, when idled dies, are the clients still able to
>use IDLE?  It should fall back to idle_poll functionality in this case
>(unless you set imapidlepoll=0 in imapd.conf)

It's on a pre-production system, so we have very few users just now.
Nobody has complained.

-Gary Mills-    -Unix Support-    -U of M Academic Computing and Networking-

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