From: Ken Murchison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> From: Ken Murchison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >
>> >I am pleased to announce the availability of an alternate namespace for
>> >Cyrus IMAP which allows personal folders to reside at the same
>> >[top]level as the INBOX.  You should consider this code to be late-beta,
>> >
>> I encourage people to check this out, and give Ken feedback.  It
>> is working very well for me.
>> This feature satisfies an urge which most of my users have,
>> namely to create folders at the same level of hierarchy as the
>> INBOX in their NS and MS clients.
>One point that I failed to mention is that subfolders of INBOX are _NOT_
>permitted when using the alternate namespace (subfolders of other
>personal folders are allowed).  This sacrifice had to be made in order
>to preserve the existing mailstore structure.

Seems preferable to me...and the setting is in imapd.conf if you
don't agree.


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