I don't know the answer to your first question, but regarding your
second question:

> Second, I'm experiencing a strange behaviour. I'm syncing my ISP imap
> folders on two different computers with offlineimap. I'm also syncing the
> .newsrc.eld file between the computers. I'd expect Gnus to display the
> same unread counts on both computers but while it's correct on one, it's
> off by several thousands on the other one. Is offlineimap to blameĀ ?

I don't think your set-up makes sense.  I don't think it is possible
for offlineimap to ensure that the two IMAP servers use the same
internal message numbers when it copies messages.  And Gnus uses
these numbers to track things like unread status, so you shouldn't
use the same .newsrc.eld for the two servers.  If you don't
synchronize the .newsrc.eld, things should work fine.


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