Oh, Adam, I was thinking SuSE has a package manager and type of
customers who would try anything to avoid messing with GNU Stow. That
is just my estimate, how can I know it really, I have no statistics.

Obviously I know SuSE since long time. I remember when I got it first
time, there was few proprietary software packages on it, preventing me
to copy the whole CD to somebody. I felt really bad. 99.9% packages
were free, and just 1-2 non-free, and I could not copy the CD. I guess
things changed today?


On Sun, Nov 20, 2016 at 08:36:44PM +0000, Adam Spiers wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 20, 2016 at 10:59:12PM +0300, Jean Louis wrote:
> > Why not simply use texi2any?
> That's what I said at the bottom of my previous email.  It will
> probably require some work to convert though.  Help with that is very
> welcome.
> > Don't bother of SuSE at all.
> Well, since I work for SUSE[1], you'll have to forgive me for saying
> that I'm not going to follow that advice :-)
> [1] Note the capitalization; the lower-case 'u' was dropped some time
>     around 2004.

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