DAILY BRIEF Number: DOB02-030 Date: 02 April 2002


Private Industry Offers Proposals for War on Terrorism
The U.S. Office of Homeland Security and other federal organizations have
been inundated with proposals from high-tech companies on how to better
fight terrorism. Howard Schmidt, vice-chairman of the President's Critical
Infrastructure Protection Board, says that while the office does not want to
spend all of its time vetting new ideas, it also does not want to pass over
a helpful proposal. Some of the proposals include systems to track
hijackers' movements by monitoring both their residences and credit card
purchases; the development of simulations of Middle East cities to train
soldiers before they are deployed; a "risk management system" to calculate
the odds of someone being a terrorist; and, a "biomail" system that could
alert postal service employees to the presence of dangerous agents.
President Bush's 2003 federal budget presents opportunities for IT companies
specializing in information security, with US$52 billion to be spent on the
protection of government computer systems. (Source: Newsbytes, 1 April 2002)

Australian Government Creates IT Security Task Force
Daryl Williams, Australia's Attorney-General, has formed a task force to
look into safeguarding the country's largely privately-owned critical IT
infrastructure, according to an Australian media report. The task force met
last week to discuss ways to protect vital services from damage and
disruption due to terrorism or natural disasters. Vital services include
banking and finance, telecommunications, transport, power and water. Mr.
Williams stressed that, while federal and territorial governments are
responsible for the protection of physical infrastructure, the
responsibility "does not rest with the Federal Government alone." (Source:
news.com.au, 2 April 2002)

Comment: Australian Government interest in the protection of its national
information infrastructure dates back to the late 1990s. The Attorney
General's first report on the issue, dated December 1998, can be found at:


Fire Toppled Twin Towers
Burning aviation fuel played a critical role in the destruction of the World
Trade Center towers, according to conclusions reached in a Federal Emergency
Management Agency report. The South Tower, which was hit 15 minutes later
than the North Tower, collapsed first because the aircraft that crashed into
it was moving 160 km/h faster than the first aircraft. Fireproofing in the
North Tower had also been upgraded on most of the floors hit by the plane.
(Source: The Ottawa Citizen, 30 March 2002)

Oil Rigs Need Monitoring: Environmentalists
With another offshore oil development project going ahead, environmentalists
claim it is time to look at how offshore rigs are monitored and argue that
an independent environmental observer should be on board production vessels.
(Source: CBC Newfoundland & Labrador, 1 April 2002)

Comment: Husky Energy, with its partner Petro-Canada, announced last week
that it will go ahead with its White Rose development on the Grand Banks.
The new oil field is expected to yield 200-250 million barrels of oil over a
10 to 15-year period starting in 2005.

Old Viruses Still Top Charts
Two computer worms that hit the top ten lists last summer were still making
news in March, according to several anti-virus companies. MessageLabs, Trend
Micro and Kaspersky Labs placed the SirCam and Nimda viruses at or near the
top of their list for the month. Home computer users not keeping current
with new anti-virus programs were partly to blame for the continued success
of old viruses, according to company officials. (Source: zdnet.co.uk, 2
April 2002)

Possible Spread of CWD
Deer carrying the chronic wasting disease (CWD), a form of mad cow disease,
may have been illegally exported from Saskatchewan, according to an official
at the province's Department of Environment and Resource Management. There
is concern that the disease, which could be dangerous to humans if meat from
an infected animal is eaten, could spread to other parts of North America.
CWD was identified at an Alberta elk ranch last week, and all 72 animals on
the ranch were destroyed. (Source: CBC News, 1 April 2002)

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No updates to report at this time.

Grey Magic Software reports on a vulnerability that has been found in
Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE5+); prior versions may be vulnerable as
well. By exploiting this vulnerability in conjunction with other tools, an
attacker may be able to determine whether a user has specific programs

SecurityFocus reports on a vulnerability found in LogWatch 2.1.1 that could
allow a local user to gain unauthorized root access.

No updates to report at this time.


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