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The Perils of Copy Protection

Tech companies handcuff our files to protect against digital pirates. The 
strategy isn't just annoying for customers—it could be hurting sales

By David Pogue  | Tuesday, July 26, 2011 | 13

Years ago Saturday Night Live featured a hilarious sketch—a talk show called 
Ruining It for Everyone. The guests were all people whose stupid, destructive 
acts wound up changing society forever, adding bureaucracy and rules and making 
life less convenient for the rest of the world.

There was the guy who poisoned a Tylenol bottle, which led to the new world of 
tamper-proof seals; the woman who first drove off without paying for self-serve 
gas, triggering the era of having to prepay; and the guy who first befouled a 
restaurant bathroom, so now only paying customers are allowed to use them.

They should have had the guy who first pirated music. He, after all, launched 
the modern age of copy protection—our current crazy world where the honest are 
penalized and the pirates go free.

When the iTunes store opened, every song was copy-protected. You could play the 
tracks on a computer or an iPod—but not on your cell phone or on any non-Apple 
music player.

Internet movies are also ridiculously protected. For example, once you rent a 
movie, you generally have 24 hours to finish watching it. That’s idiotic. What 
if it gets to be bedtime, and you want to finish the movie tomorrow night? 
Don’t these movie executives have children? And why 24 hours? Does it take 25 
for a hacker to remove the copy protection?

No, of course not. Nonpaying movie buffs don’t have to strip off the copy 
protection; they never even see it. They use BitTorrent and get their movies 
for free.

Similarly, the proprietary e-book copy-protection schemes of Amazon, Sony and 
Barnes & Noble ensure that each company’s titles can’t be read on rivals’ 
machines. It’s an attempt to stop book pirates, of course—but those people are 
off happily downloading their books from free piracy sites.

The biggest problem is that all of this inconvenience is based on a gut 
feeling. In a world without copy protection, would the e-book, music and movie 
industries collapse? Instinct—or at least media company executives’ 
instinct—certainly says so. But without some kind of test, nobody can say for 

Actually there have been such tests—at least three of them.

I make most of my income writing computer books. To my great distress, I 
discovered that they are widely available online as PDF files. But when I 
griped on my blog, my readers challenged the assumption that I was losing sales.

“First of all,” they said, “you’re counting a lot of people who never would 
have bought the book in the first place. Those don’t represent lost sales. And 
you’re not counting the people who like the PDF so much, they go buy the print 
edition or discover from the PDF sample that they like your writing.” One 
reader challenged me to a test: make one book available both on paper and as an 
unprotected PDF file. Report the effect of sales after one year.

I did that. The results were clear: Piracy was rampant. The book was everywhere 
online. But weirdly, my readers were also proved right. Sales of the printed 
edition did not suffer; in fact, they rose slightly year over year.

A recent satirical children’s book showed how piracy can actually boost sales. 
Months before the book came out, a PDF of the story was leaked online and 
promptly went viral. Yet the leak generated so much interest in the book that 
eager readers soon pushed it to the top of Amazon’s best-seller list.

Even the music industry came to realize that copy protection makes life 
miserable for the honest customers while doing absolutely nothing to stop the 
pirates. Today virtually no music files sold online are copy-protected.

Sure, the online stores still lose sales to music pirates—but not measurably 
more than before. Meanwhile music copy protection is no longer inconveniencing 
everybody else.

Until that lesson sinks in with the other industries—e-books, movies, 
television, computer software, maybe even the Transportation Security 
Administration—I hope Saturday Night Live someday remakes that talk-show skit. 
Can’t you just see the list of modern Ruining It for Everyone guests? The guy 
who wrote the first computer virus, the very first spammer, the first person 
who tried to sneak a bomb through airport security in his shoes....
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