> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Mark 
> QAnon and the Storming of the U.S. Capitol: The Offline Effect of Online 
> Conspiracy Theories
> By Marc-André Argentino
> Published 7 January 2021
> http://www.homelandsecuritynewswire.com/dr20210107-qanon-and-the-storming-of-the-u-s-capitol-the-offline-effect-of-online-conspiracy-theories
> <http://www.homelandsecuritynewswire.com/dr20210107-qanon-and-the-storming-of-the-u-s-capitol-the-offline-effect-of-online-conspiracy-theories>
> What is the cost of propaganda, misinformation and conspiracy theories? 
> Democracy and public safety, to name just two things. The United States has 
> received a stark lesson on how online propaganda and misinformation have an 
> offline impact.
> What is the cost of propaganda, misinformation and conspiracy theories? 
> Democracy and public safety, to name just two things. The United States has 
> received a stark lesson on how online propaganda and misinformation have an 
> offline impact.
> For months, Donald Trump has falsely claimed the November presidential 
> election was rigged and that’s why he wasn’t re-elected. The president’s 
> words have mirrored and fed conspiracy theories spread by followers of the 
> QAnon movement.
> While conspiracy theorists are often dismissed as “crazy people on social 
> media,” QAnon adherents were among the individuals at the front line of the 
> storming of Capitol Hill.
> QAnon is a decentralized, ideologically motivated and violent extemist 
> movement rooted in an unfounded conspiracy theory that a global “Deep State” 
> cabal of satanic pedophile elites is responsible for all the evil in the 
> world. Adherents of QAnon also believe that this same cabal is seeking to 
> bring down Trump, whom they see as the world’s only hope in defeating it.
> The evolution of QAnon
> Though it started as a series of conspiracy theories and false predictions, 
> over the past three years QAnon has evolved into an extremist 
> religio-political ideology.
> I’ve been studying the movement for more than two years. QAnon is what I call 
> a hyper-real religion 
> <https://religiondispatches.org/in-the-name-of-the-father-son-and-q-why-its-important-to-see-qanon-as-a-hyper-real-religion/>.
>  QAnon takes popular cultural artifacts and integrates them into an 
> ideological framework.
> QAnon has been a security threat in the making 
> <https://ctc.usma.edu/the-qanon-conspiracy-theory-a-security-threat-in-the-making/>
>  for the past three years.
> The COVID-19 pandemic has played a signficant role in popularizing the QAnon 
> movement. Facebook data since the start of 2020 shows QAnon membership grew 
> by 581 per cent — most of which occurred after the United States closed its 
> borders last March as part of its coronavirus containment strategy.
> As social media researcher Alex Kaplan noted, 2020 was the year “QAnon became 
> all of our problem” 
> <https://www.mediamatters.org/qanon-conspiracy-theory/2020-qanon-became-all-our-problem>
>  as the movement initially gained traction by spreading COVID-related 
> conspiracy theories and disinformation 
> <https://theconversation.com/qanon-conspiracy-theories-about-the-coronavirus-pandemic-are-a-public-health-threat-135515>
>  and was then further mainstreamed by 97 U.S. congressional candidates who 
> publicly showed support for QAnon 
> <https://theconversation.com/qanon-conspiracy-theory-followers-step-out-of-the-shadows-and-may-be-headed-to-congress-141581>.
> Crowdsourced Answers
> The essence of QAnon lies in its attempts to delineate and explain evil. It’s 
> about theodicy <https://www3.dbu.edu/mitchell/theodicy_brief_overview.htm>, 
> not secular evidence. QAnon offers its adherents comfort in an uncertain — 
> and unprecedented — age as the movement crowdsources answers to the 
> inexplicable.
> QAnon becomes the master narrative capable of simply explaining various 
> complex events. The result is a worldview characterized by a sharp 
> distinction between the realms of good and evil that is non-falsifiable.
> No matter how much evidence journalists, academics and civil society offer as 
> a counter to the claims promoted by the movement, belief in QAnon as the 
> source of truth is a matter of faith — specifically in their faith in Trump 
> and “Q,” the anonymous person who began the movement in 2017 by posting a 
> series of wild theories about the Deep State.
> Trump Validated Theories
> The year 2020 was also Trump finally gave QAnon what it always wanted: 
> respect. As Travis View, a conspiracy theory researcher and host of the QAnon 
> Anonymous podcast recently wrote 
> <https://nymag.com/intelligencer/amp/2020/12/trump-gave-qanon-what-it-always-wanted-respect.html>:
>  “Over the past few months …Trump has recognized the QAnon community in a way 
> its followers could have only fantasized about when I began tracking the 
> movement’s growth over two years ago.”
> Trump, lawyers Sidney Powell 
> <https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/19/us/politics/trump-sidney-powell-voter-fraud.html>
>  and Lin Wood 
> <https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/who-is-lin-wood-trump-tweets_n_5ff335d7c5b6e7974fd514c1?ri18n=true>,
>  and QAnon “rising star” Ron Watkins 
> <https://www.insider.com/trump-shares-voter-fraud-conspiracy-theories-of-qanon-star-ron-watkins-2020-12>
>  have all been actively inflaming QAnon apocalyptic and anti-establishment 
> desires by promoting voter fraud conspiracy theories.
> Doubts about the validity of the election have been circulating in far-right 
> as well as QAnon circles. Last October, I wrote that if there were delays or 
> other complications in the final result 
> <https://icct.nl/publication/q-pilled-conspiracy-theories-trump-and-election-violence/>
>  of the presidential contest, it would likely feed into a pre-existing belief 
> in the invalidity of the election — and foster a chaotic environment that 
> could lead to violence.
> Hope for Miracles
> The storming of U.S. Capitol saw the culmination of what has been building up 
> for weeks: the “hopeium” in QAnon circles that some miracle via 
> Vice-President Mike Pence 
> <https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-pressure-pence-reject-bidens-win-congress-wednesday/story?id=75057551>
>  and other constitutional witchcraft would overturn the election results.
> Instead, QAnon followers are now faced with the end of a Trump presidency — 
> where they had free rein — and the fear of what a Biden presidency will bring.
> We have now long passed the point of simply asking: how can people believe in 
> QAnon when so many of its claims fly in the face of facts? The attack on the 
> Capitol showed the real dangers of QAnon adherents.
> Their militant and anti-establishment ideology — rooted in a 
> quasi-apocalyptic desire to destroy the existing, corrupt world and usher in 
> a promised golden age — was on full display for the whole world to see. Who 
> could miss the shirtless man wearing a fur hat, known as the QAnon Shaman 
> <https://www.wric.com/news/u-s-world/horned-shirtless-man-at-the-capitol-demonstration-identified/>,
>  leading the charge into the Capitol rotunda?
> What will happen now? QAnon, along with other far-right actors, will likely 
> continue to come together to achieve their insurrection goals. This could 
> lead to a continuation of QAnon-inspired violence as the movement’s ideology 
> continues to grow in American culture.
> Marc-André Argentino is Ph.D. candidate Individualized Program, 2020-2021 
> Public Scholar, Concordia University 
> <https://theconversation.com/institutions/concordia-university-1183>. This 
> article 
> <https://theconversation.com/qanon-and-the-storm-of-the-u-s-capitol-the-offline-effect-of-online-conspiracy-theories-152815>
>  is published courtesy of The Conversation <https://theconversation.com/us>.

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