> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Mark 
> Cybersecurity and the Occupation of the Capitol
> Published 7 January 2021
> http://www.homelandsecuritynewswire.com/dr20210107-cybersecurity-and-the-occupation-of-the-capitol
> <http://www.homelandsecuritynewswire.com/dr20210107-cybersecurity-and-the-occupation-of-the-capitol>
> On 6 January, a large number of pro-Trump rioters occupied portions of the 
> U.S. Capitol building to protest and disrupt the counting and certification 
> of electoral votes from the November 2020 election. Herb Lin writes that the 
> significance of this event for American democracy, the rule of law, and the 
> depths of extremism in the U.S. populace will be addressed by others, “but I 
> am compelled to point out this siege has created potentially serious cyber 
> risks for Congress and other affected offices.”
> On 6 January, a large number of pro-Trump rioters occupied portions of the 
> U.S. Capitol building to protest and disrupt the counting and certification 
> of electoral votes from the November 2020 election. Herb Lin writes in 
> Lawfare that the significance of this event for American democracy, the rule 
> of law, and the depths of extremism in the U.S. populace will be addressed by 
> others, “but I am compelled to point out this siege has created potentially 
> serious cyber risks for Congress and other affected offices.”
> He adds:
> To any computer security professional, maintaining physical security over 
> computers and other devices is a condition for maintaining cybersecurity.  
> What happens when a threat actor has compromised this essential aspect of 
> cybersecurity?
> These concerns arose during a conversation with my long-time cyber colleague 
> Eugene Spafford at Purdue University —what devices and computers did the mob 
> physically access during their breach of the countless desks and offices in 
> the Capitol? And how did they use that access?  Have listening devices been 
> planted in these offices?  Have USB sticks been used to download data from 
> House or Senate computers, or worse, to upload “back doors” that would enable 
> subsequent unauthorized remote access?  
> To the best of my knowledge, only the Capitol was breached—personal and 
> committee offices in the various House and Senate office buildings remain 
> secure.  But members often have offices in the Capitol as well.  It is thus a 
> matter of the highest operational priority for those who provide 
> cybersecurity support for the House and Senate to ascertain the nature and 
> extent, if any, of cybersecurity compromises resulting from the occupation.  
> Every office with a computer and every telecommunications closet accessible 
> from public corridors (whether or not behind a locked door) will have to be 
> scanned and swept for malware and additional but unauthorized hardware (e.g., 
> a USB device that is not supposed to be attached that might be used as a 
> covert channel for exfiltrating information). 
> And it is not only a technical scan and sweep that are necessary—user 
> passwords are often written on sticky Post-it notes; even worse, they are 
> often reused on different computers.  House and Senate staff should 
> immediately change all passwords on all computers, ensuring of course that 
> they use different passwords for different accounts.

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