Putting the Napster Genie Back in the Bottle
San Francisco

SHAWN FANNING turns 25 on Tuesday, and it's been a very long seven years
since he wrote a little computer program that let him trade electronic music
files with his dorm mates at Northeastern University in Boston, where he was
a freshman. He called it Napster, after his nickname, and it quickly grew
into an Internet phenomenon - not to mention the music industry's bĂȘte noire
until it was shut down by the courts four years ago.

Now the public spotlight is turning back to Mr. Fanning, this time as a
symbol of how big business and the disruptive force of the Internet just
might find a way to get along. This month, Grokster, one of the file-sharing
services that emerged after the original Napster vanished, stopped
distributing its software and agreed to pay the record industry $50 million,
which it has no prospect of ever raising. Grokster decided to give up on a
legal battle that had effectively been lost when the Supreme Court
unanimously decided in June that it and other file-sharing services could be
held liable if people used them to steal copyrighted works.

By year-end, a new version of Grokster will appear - this one sanctioned by
the record industry because it will use technology, built by Mr. Fanning,
that requires file-swappers to pay for copyrighted material. In other words,
Mr. Fanning, who let the genie out of the bottle when he created the
copyright-busting Napster, is now selling a way to put the genie back into
the bottle.

His new company, called Snocap, has produced software that can enable music
services to fulfill the original promise of Napster - a community of
dedicated fans exchanging a wide selection of music - while monitoring the
file-trading for copyrighted works. The new Grokster will still use
peer-to-peer technology, which lets users download songs directly to one
another's computers. But when a user tries to get a copyrighted file, Snocap
can block the download or force the user to pay for it, depending on what
the artist and label want.

IF Snocap catches on - still a very big "if" because only one file-sharing
service has signed up to use the software - it will vindicate Mr. Fanning's
passionately held belief that if Napster had been allowed to live, it would
have become a legitimate and profitable sales outlet for artists and music
companies. After the original Napster closed, the name was sold to a new
company that sells licensed music under paid subscriptions and does not use
peer-to-peer technology.

"Nobody has ever built a reliable peer-to-peer service, where people can
really access all the music they want in one location," Mr. Fanning said.
"Once I got it into my head, I couldn't imagine the media space without

Yet curiously, at this crucial time for his young company, Mr. Fanning is
pulling back from day-to-day operations and declining most opportunities to
appear in public to champion it. Always painfully shy, Mr. Fanning says he
wants to defer to the company's management, including a newly hired chief
executive, Rusty Rueff, who had been a senior executive at Electronic Arts.

In the meantime, of course, Apple Computer and other companies have built
thriving, unquestionably legal music-downloading businesses. And others are
trying to build authorized paid services using peer-to-peer technology.

Mr. Fanning's vision is much more ambitious than these others. He doesn't
simply want to impose fees for the same songs that are available through
Apple's iTunes and other stores. He wants to create an open system that
would allow anyone with music to share - big labels and garage bands alike -
to register their works with Snocap and set the economic terms under which
songs could be traded. Snocap would collect the fees, using software that
listens to each song in participating file-sharing services, matching songs
that listeners order with those in the registry and forcing users to pay the
price the song owner demands.

If this works for music, Snocap may ultimately serve as a template for
resolving some of the thorniest problems facing all sorts of copyrighted
material, according to Jonathan Spalter, a former Vivendi official who
worked as Snocap's chief executive in 2003 and 2004; he left after
differences with Mr. Fanning.

"They have a shot, but it's a nine-bank billiard shot and they have only one
stroke of the cue to get it right," Mr. Spalter said. "You need to get
consensus from a firmament of major labels, independent labels, the
publishers, courts, legislature, the peer-to-peer to companies, retailers
and other actors. This is the ultimate, purest form of herding cats."

The record companies, meanwhile, have escalated their attack on digital
piracy, suing file-sharing software makers and the people who share music
and hiring white-hat hackers to pollute the file-sharing networks with songs
that purport to be the latest hits, but actually contain only static or

If any of these tactics have restrained piracy, the effect is modest. Album
sales are 30 percent below their level the year when Mr. Fanning let Napster
loose, and 10 times as many songs are downloaded from file-sharing services
as are bought from paid services like iTunes. So it should come as no
surprise that the record companies are starting to embrace Mr. Fanning's
idea that peer-to-peer file-sharing services can be reconstituted as legal
sales outlets.

"Many of the people on these networks are not so much there to get their
music free, although some of them certainly do," said Edgar Bronfman Jr.,
the chief executive of the Warner Music Group. "In the next year or two or
three, we can develop legal services with the same availability of music,
the same vibrant communities, that free services will not be so compelling."
Last week, Warner became the last of the four major labels to agree to
supply music to Snocap.

It is still unclear how many users of those free peer-to-peer services will
start to pay when software like Grokster starts to demand money for
copyrighted songs. It is not that difficult to find so-called open source
file-sharing software, which is developed by elusive networks of volunteers
who may well be out of the reach of the recording industry's lawsuits. And
Grokster users who don't update to the new version of the service will still
be able to trade songs with one another free.

"I don't know if someone can be successful transferring from regular, free
file-sharing to paid file-sharing," said Thomas Mennecke, a news editor at
Slyck, an online site for file-sharing users. "If you are going to pay for a
song, why not use iTunes, which has the Apple iPod coolness?"

He doesn't see much impetus for hard-core users to start paying for their
music. "I only see file sharing getting bigger and better," he said. "If you
shut down the commercial guys, the open-source systems will always be

Snocap will not necessarily be the main beneficiary if legal file sharing
takes off. The only service that has agreed to use its technology is
Mashboxx, a start-up backed by Sony Music. It has agreed to buy the Grokster
name and use it to sell a version of its service. Complicating this
partnership is the fact that Mr. Fanning has a stormy relationship with the
man who created Mashboxx, a loquacious former music publicist and
file-sharing promoter named Wayne Rosso.

Snocap still hopes to recruit other customers from the major file-sharing
services, many of which are negotiating with the record industry to see if
they can avoid being sued. Some services are simply shutting down and some
are being courted by IMesh, which has its own approach to a legal
peer-to-peer system.

Mr. Fanning began working on what would become Snocap the day after the old
Napster closed in September 2001. Gathering a few of his close friends and
compatriots in a San Francisco music studio, he tried to figure out what
went wrong and what to do next. He had been on an emotional roller coaster,
becoming a hero to millions delighted with instant free music and then an
archvillain to the music industry, even though he was pushed to Napster's
sidelines by the series of grown-ups who tried to profit from his invention.

In the end, Napster was the quintessential Internet company: it upended a
huge and powerful industry without ever earning a dime itself. And after all
the plans failed, all the lawsuits were lost, all the money was spent and
all the outside managers departed, Mr. Fanning decided to try to get his
revolution back.

HE started over, working with Jordan Mendelssohn, a programmer who was an
early Napster employee, and won the backing of Ron Conway, a Silicon Valley
angel investor who had provided crucial early financing to Napster. He also
hired two prominent lawyers - John T. Frankenheimer of Loeb & Loeb in
Hollywood and Fred Davis, son of the recording executive Clive Davis, in New
York - to persuade the record companies to cooperate with him, the person
most closely identified with all their troubles. "My job was to market the
so-called Antichrist back to the music industry," Mr. Davis said.

Executives at the major labels received Mr. Fanning's idea enthusiastically.
After all, it was as if he had found a way to put a police officer and a
cashier in the satchel of every shoplifter on the planet. But Snocap stalled
nonetheless. Developing the software turned out to be much more complicated
than Mr. Fanning had anticipated, and he could not win the cooperation of
file-sharing companies. And despite the music executives' enthusiasm,
negotiations with their lawyers dragged on for months.

As Mr. Fanning struggled, Andrew R. Lack, the former head of NBC who took
over Sony's music operation in 2003, wondered if he could make peace with
the users of file-sharing systems, and approached Mr. Rosso, the former
president of Grokster. Mr. Rosso says Mr. Lack had an idea: Was it possible
to let people try out songs free? What if they could get whole songs, not
the 30-second samples available on iTunes, but require them to buy the songs
they really liked? The response from most other file-sharing services was
chilly, but Mr. Rosso thought enough of the idea to create a new service -
Mashboxx - along the lines that Mr. Lack had outlined. Soon, he found that
Snocap's technology offered the best way to identify copyrighted songs on
the network. (Mr. Lack was not available to be interviewed for this

Unlike iTunes and other "closed" systems, where people can buy only what the
retailer chooses to sell, Mashboxx is a true "open" peer-to-peer system that
in theory can download any song from any computer that participates in a
file-sharing network. This could include something that a garage band
recorded by itself or a free release by an up-and-coming indie group.

If a Mashboxx user tries to download a song that has been registered as
copyrighted in Snocap's database, however, Mashboxx will either block the
download or substitute a free but low-quality version on which an announcer
invites listeners to pay for a high-quality version without announcements if
they like what they hear. The free version would expire after being played
five times.

Mr. Rosso says that this tests the theory that people use peer-to-peer, or
P2P, file-sharing networks to try out songs, and that they will pay for
music they like. "It is the great hypocrisy leveler," he said. "We will see
if people use P2P to sample music or not."

Mr. Fanning and Mr. Rosso are now in a wary dance. Mashboxx and Snocap need
each other, but their founders are mutually antagonistic. Indeed, Mr. Rosso
is everything that Mr. Fanning isn't. Mr. Fanning is young, a gifted
technologist, deadly serious about Snocap and terminally shy. Mr. Rosso is
56, a technological neophyte driven by opportunity rather than conviction,
and a blue-ribbon publicity hound who once represented Harry Connick Jr. and
Aerosmith, among others.

These days, Snocap's bustling offices fill a floor of an old warehouse
building nestled between two skyscrapers in downtown San Francisco.
Surrounding two dozen cubicles filled with programmers and dealmakers are a
few conference rooms; a kitchen with free Twizzlers, gorp and soda; a
computer room; and another small room with a foosball table and a set of Mr.
Fanning's drums.

"I hate mornings," Mr. Fanning said as he arrived one bright day last
spring, dressed in torn black jeans, a black ribbed pullover and gray
sneakers, looking much as he did five years ago on the cover of Time
magazine. He grabbed a Pepsi and wandered out to buy a sandwich for
breakfast. Never a coffee drinker, he is trying to cut back on soda; at
least he has downgraded from Red Bull.

Now Mr. Fanning is on the verge of settling, somewhat reluctantly, into a
more adult phase of his life. He left the house he shared with two buddies
in Silicon Valley and moved into a loft on Potrero Hill in San Francisco
with his girlfriend, who works at Apple Computer.

Neither she nor the neighbors are quite so accommodating as his old
roommates when it comes to his desire to play drums and guitar; when he
really wants to cut loose, he says he now has to visit a friend's music

When Mr. Fanning starts to explain the details of the complex software and
business arrangements behind Snocap, his eyes glow with the intensity of
many of the 20-something entrepreneurs of the dot-com boom. But he is living
their dreams in reverse: first he revolutionized an industry, then he made
the cover of Time and now he is figuring out the PowerPoint presentations
for the business model.

The heart of Snocap is its sophisticated registry, which will index
electronically all the files on the file-sharing networks. "Rights holders,"
which are what he calls musicians and their labels, will use the system to
find those songs on which they hold copyrights and claim them
electronically. Then they will enter into the registry the terms on which
those files can be traded. It could be just like iTunes - pay 99 cents, and
you own it - or it could be trickier: listen to it five times free, then buy
it if you like it. Or it could be beneficent: listen to it free forever and
(hopefully) buy tickets to the artist's next concert. Of course, the rights
holders could also play tough: this is not for sale or for trading, and you
can't have it.

One of the more interesting aspects of the software Mr. Fanning has built is
called "missing masters." After a label sends Snocap all the music it
currently publishes, the label's executives can use the software to see all
the other tracks available from any particular artist. These are what Mr.
Fanning calls "gray tracks" - bootleg recordings made by fans at concerts or
in secret by recording engineers in studios. By some counts there are 25
million unique files available on the file-sharing networks, and no more
than two million available in authorized download stores.

Some artists and labels may well want to quash these gray tracks, which many
consider to be inferior versions of their work. But Mr. Fanning predicted
that many would choose to make available - and possibly profit from - music
that until now was simply contraband. "There is a huge interest on the part
of your fans in this stuff," he said, "and it is already traded, if you
don't make available, then you will hinder the growth of your artists'

EVEN as he bubbles with these kinds of ideas, Mr. Fanning is rarely seen in
Snocap's offices. Nor is he appearing much in public. He accepted an
invitation to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee in September,
then backed out, people close to him said, because of his shyness. He says
he is confident in Snocap's management and needs time to spend on his
personal life.

"I'm trying to step back and look at the big picture," he said last month
over a Perrier at his favorite San Francisco steakhouse. "It has been seven
years since I started Napster, and I didn't take a break when I started
Snocap. That's a quarter of my life."

Moreover, he argued that the ideas behind Snocap were so powerful and
inevitable that his second invention would eventually take on a life of its
own, as Napster did - albeit far more slowly. "Ultimately," he said, "people
will recognize the value of what we have done."

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