Sober.X Worm Makes Return
Virus Slows E-Mail Systems Across Nation

By Brian Krebs
Special to the Washington Post
Thursday, December 8, 2005; D01

The Sober.X computer worm that began flooding inboxes last month
masquerading as a threatening e-mail from federal investigators made a
resurgence this week, with security experts now calling it the most prolific
e-mail worm ever unleashed.

The junk traffic generated by Sober has bogged down e-mail systems at some
of the nation's largest Internet service providers. For several days last
week, subscribers of Microsoft Corp.'s Hotmail and MSN e-mail services
experienced long delays in receiving new messages as the company struggled
to filter out Sober-generated traffic.

San Carlos, Calif.-based e-mail security company Postini Inc. said it has
quarantined more than 441 million Sober-infected messages since Nov. 22,
twice as many messages as the largest previous attack on record, which was
the Mydoom worm in January 2004. At the time, Postini intercepted roughly 8
million Mydoom-infected e-mails per day.

The Sober worm's spread peaked around Thanksgiving, then tapered off over
the weekend, according to Andrew Lochart, Postini's senior director of
marketing. Early this week, however, it staged a comeback. The company
blocked more than 35 million Sober-generated messages on Tuesday alone.

"That's an exceptional number for a virus in a 24-hour period," Lochart
said. "Things quieted down a little bit after a tremendous outbreak last
week, but now this thing has gone back to pegging the needle."

The worm most often comes attached to an e-mail supposedly sent by the FBI
or CIA, claiming that the government has discovered you visiting "illegal"
Web sites and asking you to open an attachment to answer some official
questions. Microsoft Windows users who click on the attached file infect
their computers with the worm, which then e-mails copies of itself to every
address found on the victim's machine.

Sober lowers security settings on infected machines, but unlike most
e-mail-borne viruses and worms, it does not carry an overtly malicious
payload. Rather, research unveiled Wednesday suggests the worm may be laying
the groundwork for a new attack early next year.

Researchers at iDefense Inc., a Reston division of Mountain View,
Calif.-based VeriSign Inc., unscrambled portions of the worm's code and
found that infected PCs are programmed to download updates from a series of
Web sites on Jan. 5. Whether those updates will include a new version of the
worm or instructions for carrying out some other type of online activity is
not clear to researchers.

Earlier this year, a Sober variant forced infected computers to spew out
spam e-mails calling for the re-establishment of the Nazi Party in Germany.
Jan. 5 coincides with the 87th anniversary of the founding of the Nazis in

Allysa Myers, a member of the virus response team with software maker McAfee
Inc., said the worm will most likely fizzle out before that date arrives, as
authorities have identified the update sites.

"There is some indication that the worm is going to try and upload new code
to start a new phase in January, but at that point it is likely those sites
will have been shut down," Myers said.
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