(I wonder if Google's resistance hadn't made frontpage news, if these
companies would even be saying anything right now.......rf)

Yahoo, MS: No personal data surrendered

WASHINGTON, Jan. 23 (UPI) -- Yahoo and Microsoft say they did not turn over
any private information to the government when they complied with a

Google has refused to comply with the demand to supply six months of search
data. The Justice Department is seeking the information in an effort to
revive the Child Online Protection Act, which was overturned two years ago
by the Supreme Court, by determining whether filtering software does the job
of keeping children away from hardcore porn sites.

Both Microsoft and Yahoo say that they provided data that contained nothing
that would allow the government to identify specific users of their search
engines, the San Jose Mercury News reported.

While Google's refusal to comply with the subpoena is based on claims of
shielding proprietary information, privacy is clearly an issue.

"Google's acceding to the request would suggest it is willing to reveal
information about those who use its services," Ashok Ramani, a lawyer
representing Google, said in a letter to the Justice Department. "This is
not a perception that Google can accept."

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