
The latest builds of the Ruby SDK in the PPC architecture are
consistently failing with this error message in the "root.log" file:

DEBUG util.py:421:
[Errno -1] Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum
--enablerepo=el-updates clean metadata
DEBUG util.py:421:  Trying other mirror.
DEBUG util.py:421:
[Errno -1] Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum
--enablerepo=el-updates clean metadata
DEBUG util.py:421:  Trying other mirror.
DEBUG util.py:421:  Error downloading packages:
DEBUG util.py:421:    tzdata-2016f-1.el7.noarch: [Errno 256] No more
mirrors to try.
DEBUG util.py:421:    ca-certificates-2015.2.6-70.1.el7_2.noarch: [Errno
256] No more mirrors to try.

The complete logs are available in this job, for example:


Can you check what is the problem?

Thanks in advance,
Juan Hernandez

Dirección Comercial: C/Jose Bardasano Baos, 9, Edif. Gorbea 3, planta
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