On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 08:20:51AM +0200, Adrian Reber wrote:
> The new MirrorManager2 0.8.3 release correctly detects and creates
> repositories for the newly created 'modular' tree:
>  /srv/pub/fedora/linux/modular/
> I have installed the new release in staging and it works correctly. The
> changes between MirrorManager2 0.8.1 which is installed in production
> and the newly released 0.8.3 is just the 'modular' repository detection
> and some additional repository creation/detection code which I also
> already used in production successfully.
> The mirrormanager2-0.8.3 is in the epel-testing repository.
> As I am not aware how important it is to get this installed on the
> production systems during beta freeze I am hoping Dennis can tell us if
> this is necessary or not.
> The changes are minimal and only related to repository detection and
> creation. Testing in staging was successful and I do not think it will
> break anything.
> Should we install the 0.8.3 release during beta freeze or should we
> wait?

*If* Dennis says it is critical, I'm +1 with it, also because it sounds fairly
straight forward to downgrade.

But definitely better if it can wait post-freeze imho :)


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