On 08/14/2018 03:11 AM, Robert Varga wrote:
> On 14/08/18 12:07, Ariel Adam wrote:
>> You could try creating an iframe and embedding the JIRA web page into it
>> however I don't think it's going to be convenient to use.
>> The other approach is create a TWS Jira project and then just mange the
>> weekly meetings as sprints so you can assign topics to each sprint using
>> priorities and decide if you work on them within the meeting or move
>> them to the next sprint (next meeting).
> https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:IDisplay should work, but I am
> not sure if we have that extension.
> Thinking about this a bit more, I am not sure whether we need
> wiki.opendaylight.org -- docs project seems to be better suited for
> every use case I could think of...

Except that is a plugin we won't install on the wiki. We don't allow for
embedding just any page as that opens the wiki up to becoming a spam host.

Much as I hate even saying this, but if ODL ever decided to move to
Confluence it would resolve several of the issues around linking and
embedding information since the project has already moved to JIRA.

Granted, a MediaWiki -> Confluence conversion is a non-trivial change ;)


Andrew J Grimberg
Manager Release Engineering
The Linux Foundation

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