TinEye - Omg, a whole new world, haha!!

Are we now saying that we will address certain copyright issues?

I think when we were discussing it before, we might have been lumping "fan art" together with blatant posting of someone else's image. I think "fan art" is fine. For example, if that Jesus image had actually been drawn in Inkscape, would have been fine.

But maybe posting someone else's image needs to be addressed. And especially having such a tool as TinEye. I knew that it was possible to search an image, but I didn't know it was publicly available. (Thought probably cost a lot of money to buy or subscribe.)

I would be so happy to use it, to take out this type of image. And I would even go retro to the date we put the CoC into effect. (in extra spare time)

This might not be explainable (since I've asked it a few times over the years, and it always gets ignored). But I'm just so curious why people go around posting things, like images that aren't theirs, or meaningless messages in forums. Is it a certain class of spammer which tries to fill unmoderated forums or galleries, to overwhelm it, or test to find out if they are moderated? There can't be that many people who are sad wannabees, can there?

Thanks for the great info and guidance :-)

All best,

-----Original Message----- From: Martin Owens
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2017 8:24 AM
To: C R ; brynn
Cc: Inkscape-Devel ; Inkscape-Docs
Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] moderation - 'could have been made w/Inkscape'

On Thu, 2017-10-26 at 13:49 +0100, C R wrote:
On second thought, I'd take this down:


Reason: The lead graphic is marked "getty" at the bottom, so it's
clearly taken from another website.

Getty is the company behind iStock Images, this image searched via
TinEye (which I highly recommend to anyone doing moderation on images)
shows the images was uploaded[1] in 2013 by BlackJack3D.

I'd take this one down too:

Because the author name in the graphic does not match the user name,
and they have not responded to your question.

This is a ceramic tile from San Juan[2] so very likely not made in
Inkscape, the email address for the store is ducart at yahoo, where as
the user on inkscape.org is an aol address.

And I'd take this one down as well:

Because not only does it rip off (c) characters, it's a rip off of
the original you pointed to.

The law is very clear when it gives people right to parody and create
these kinds of cultural commentary works. We take stuff like this down
on request from the original copyright holders only.

BUT. This work is still not an original work. It was drawn by
Menselijke Christen in 2014 using Coral Draw and Illustrator[3]. So it
should be taken down on grounds that it's not an Inkscape work and
wasn't made by the user

Anything with (c) marked as Public Domain needs to have some proof
that poster has the right to license it that way.

No one should be posting other people's work on the inkscape website.

Generally no. If I draw something infringing, that different to if I
copy an image from where else. There's at least a creative step to
drawing things which we should be up for defending under grounds of
free speech until asked to take it down.

Best Regards, Martin Owens

1. http://www.istockphoto.com/photo/music-in-the-heart-gm171271203-2008
2. http://www.mipequenosanjuan.com/puertorican-decorative-tiles.html
3. https://nl.dreamstime.com/redactionele-stock-afbeelding-held-en-jesu

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