From: demerphq
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 7:25 PM
To: Sisyphus

When I moved the scripts out of a perl build tree it started behaving properly. IMO that issue can be left at "so dont do that". :-)

AFAICT, the only difference between building in /git_tree/perl/Porting and /somewhere/else is that instead of doing:

cc -c  -I"/git_tree/perl/Porting" -D_REENTRANT [...] FOO_1ef8.c
the build will do:
cc -c  -I"/somewhere/else" -D_REENTRANT [...] FOO_1ef8.c

All other commands that get run would be the same. (You could check this by comparing the BUILD_NOISY outputs for both situations.)

So I'm wondering whether, in the running of the above command, something was found in "/git_tree/perl/Porting" that really ought not have been found and loaded.


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