On 10/7/2016 8:48 AM, Templin, Fred L wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> Ø  If the ingress fragments and egress reassembles, the MTU of the
> tunnel(or link) is 2000 - encaps overhead.
> Unless I am misunderstanding Linda’s comment and your response, the
> fact that the
> egress attaches to a 2000B link has no bearing on the MTU size the
> egress can configure.

You are right; I was reading Linda's note as indicating a 2000B reassembly.

As you note, the MTUs of the hops of the tunnel have no bearing on the
tunnel MTU *if* the egress does reassembly. The egress reassembly
payload determines the tunnel's MTU.

FYI, all, this is already all in the doc.

> As per your doc, it is the reassembly buffer size (and not the sizes
> of any links the
> tunnel is configured over) that determines the tunnel MTU. So, in this
> example, the
> egress could just as well configure a 9KB reassembly buffer size and
> hence the
> tunnel would have a 9KB minus ENCAPS MTU.
> Thanks - Fred
> *From:*Int-area [mailto:int-area-boun...@ietf.org] *On Behalf Of *Joe
> Touch
> *Sent:* Friday, October 07, 2016 8:33 AM
> *To:* Linda Dunbar <linda.dun...@huawei.com>
> *Cc:* towns...@cisco.com; int-area@ietf.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Int-area] Questions to draft-intarea-tunnels-03
> On Oct 7, 2016, at 8:15 AM, Linda Dunbar <linda.dun...@huawei.com
> <mailto:linda.dun...@huawei.com>> wrote:
>     Joe,
>     You said “The egress MTU determines the largest IP packet (or
>     fragment) that can traverse either a link or a tunnel.”
>     If a Tunnel traverse some segments of very old layer 2 network
>     with MTU = 1500, but the Tunnel Egress node is a modern node with
>     MTU = 2000 bytes.
>     I would think the Tunnel MTU is 1500, not the 2000 at the Tunnel
>     egress node, correct?
> If the ingress fragments and egress reassembles, the MTU of the
> tunnel(or link) is 2000 - encaps overhead. The MTU of the  hops inside
> the tunnel/link determine how the Ingress needs to fragment, not
> ultimately what can traverse the tunnel/link.
> I.e. The difference is between the MTU *of* the tunnel/link and the
> MTU *inside* the tunnel/link.
> Joe
>     Linda
>     *From:*Joe Touch [mailto:to...@isi.edu]
>     *Sent:* Thursday, October 06, 2016 11:48 PM
>     *To:* Linda Dunbar <linda.dun...@huawei.com
>     <mailto:linda.dun...@huawei.com>>; towns...@cisco.com
>     <mailto:towns...@cisco.com>
>     *Cc:* int-area@ietf.org <mailto:int-area@ietf.org>
>     *Subject:* Re: Questions to draft-intarea-tunnels-03
>     Hi, Linda,
>     On 10/6/2016 4:36 PM, Linda Dunbar wrote:
>         Joe,
>         I strongly agree with what you said “A link MTU is different
>         from a path MTU”.
>         A Tunnel MTU is more like “path MTU” because
>         -           the Tunnel MTU is the minimum of all the links’
>         MTU that the “tunnel” traverse,
>     A link MTU is the largest IP packet that can traverse the link
>     (i.e., without needing to be fragmented to go over the link).
>     A tunnel MTU, like a link MTU, is the largest IP packet that can
>     traverse the tunnel or link layer without needing to be fragmented
>     FIRST, which is one of two things, whichever is larger:
>         1. - the min of the MTUs of the links along the tunnel or the
>     link-layer hops along the path of the link protocol, minus the
>     tunnel/link encapsulation overhead
>         2. - the reassembly size of the tunnel/link egress, minus the
>     tunnel/link encapsulation overhead
>     Note that (1) would never be larger than (2), so (2) is sufficient
>     for both a tunnel and a link protocol.
>     An IP path MTU is determined only by (1).
>     This is one way in which a tunnel is more like a link than an IP path.
>     One other way is that an IP packet hopcount/ttl is never
>     decremented when traversing a link or a tunnel *because* it does
>     not encounter an IP router along the way, and only IP routers
>     perform this decrement, i.e., an IP packet with TTL=0 should be
>     able to traverse both a link and a tunnel, but would not traverse
>     an IP path.
>         -          the fragmented segments may be out of order when
>         arriving at the egress node of the tunnel, whereas over a
>         link, the fragmented frames always arrive at egress port in
>         the same order (therefore the reassembly is much easier over a
>         link). 
>     A link is not guaranteed to avoid reordering or loss. A particular
>     link protocol may have one or both of these properties, but it is
>     not a requirement to be a link.
>         Another question, in Section 5.2: why you specifically discuss
>         the “egress  MTU” ? 
>     See above.
>         A tunnel MTU is determined by the minimum MTU of all the
>         links’ MTU  that the tunnel traverse.
>     This is incorrect, as noted above (and described in the document).
>     The egress MTU determines the largest IP packet (or fragment) that
>     can traverse either a link or a tunnel.
>         The HSrc and HDst would have considered all the links’ MTU
>         when they choose the frame size. So the tunnel egress MTU
>         would be big enough for the original  packet size between HSrc
>         & HDst.
>     Consider a link such as ATM: the ATM cell size is not relevant,
>     only the ATM AAL5 reassembly payload size. That determines the MTU
>     because an IP packet that large can traverse an ATM link (with
>     multiple ATM link hops) without needing to be fragmented before
>     traversal.
>     The same is true for an IP tunnel. The hops of the tunnel are not
>     relevant *to the packet arriving at the ingress*. The only thing
>     that is relevant is the largest payload the tunnel egress can
>     reassemble. The hops within the tunnel determine how the ingress
>     fragments, not whether a packet arriving at the ingress must be
>     dropped.
>         A tunnel MTU is a critical issue, not because of Tunnel being
>         like a link”, but
>         -          because the ingress adds the outer header
>         encapsulation which may make the total  frame size chosen by
>         the original source to exceed the MTU of  some intermediate
>         links,
>     The overhead of these encapsulations is relevant only at the
>     egress reassembly; the effect on the individual fragments is not
>     relevant. IP doesn't care about the 5-byte overheads for ATM cells.
>         -          because the fragmented segments may be out of order
>         when arriving at the egress node of the tunnel, whereas over a
>         link the fragmented frames always arrive at egress port in the
>         same order (therefore the reassembly is much easier over the
>         link). 
>     As noted above, in-order delivery is ensured only for some link
>     technologies/protocols.
>          A couple of minor typo:
>         Section 3.6.1: “the term "inner")..”, is the “)” extra?
>     Yes - thanks for pointing that out. It'll be fixed in the next rev.
>         Section 4.2 first sentence: “…. It messages might be …”, do
>         you mean “… its messages might be…”
>     I'll double-check tomorrow, but I'm fairly sure I meant to just
>     drop the "it" part. Again, it'll be fixed in the next rev.
>     Joe
>         Linda
>         *From:*Joe Touch [mailto:to...@isi.edu]
>         *Sent:* Thursday, October 06, 2016 4:10 PM
>         *To:* Linda Dunbar <linda.dun...@huawei.com>
>         <mailto:linda.dun...@huawei.com>; towns...@cisco.com
>         <mailto:towns...@cisco.com>
>         *Cc:* int-area@ietf.org <mailto:int-area@ietf.org>
>         *Subject:* Re: Questions to draft-intarea-tunnels-03
>         Hi, Linda,
>         On 10/6/2016 1:34 PM, Linda Dunbar wrote:
>             Joe and Mark,
>             You said “Because tunnels are links, they are subject to
>             the same issues as any link, e.g. MTU..”
>             The MTU issue exist between any two points in a network.
>         A link MTU is different from a path MTU, as explained in the
>         document. The MTU issues of a link are different than those of
>         a path, as described.
>             The MTU issue for tunnel is more like the MTU issue
>             between any two points in the network (i.e. traverse many
>             links, and can change over time), less like the MTU for a
>             single link because the single link MTU is only determined
>             by the fixed TWO endpoints of the link, whereas the MTU of
>             a tunnel (and a path) is impacted by many links in
>             between, i.e. more dynamic and can change depending which
>             path the packet traverse through.
>         Both a link and tunnel may have multiple hops not visible to
>         IP, each of which may have a different MTU; this is no
>         different than an IP path MTU. The difference is that the
>         link/tunnel hops are not visible to IP.
>             In the section 1 of your draft, you stated:  “.. tunnels
>             emulate a link”.  To me, “tunnel” hide the inner
>             addresses, but the packets can traverse many links.  So
>             Tunnels hardly emulate a link.
>         There are many link layer technologies which use multiple
>         link-layer hops and relaying, including Ethernet, ATM, SONET, etc.
>         Joe

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