Dear all,

further to presenting at IETF-101 yesterday I wanted to send a follow up email 
to see if there is interest in working on a new best current practice for 
logging at internet-facing servers. 

I hope I adequately presented the reasons why I think there needs to be some 
revision of the recommendations of RFC6302 and that there is some additional 
points to be considered in draft-daveor-cgn-logging-02. 

The current version of the document (draft-daveor-cgn-logging-02) contains 
recommendations, but it is not really in the form of a BCP. If there is 
interest, I would like to suggest, in the first instance at least, that I 
prepare a new version of the document, structured in the form of a BCP with a 
set of recommendations for discussion. 

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Thanks and best regards,

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