On 12-Sep-19 10:59, Bob Hinden wrote:
> Fred,
>> On Sep 11, 2019, at 7:48 AM, Templin (US), Fred L 
>> <fred.l.temp...@boeing.com> wrote:
>> Geoff, the 1280 MTU came from Steve Deering's November 13, 1997 proposal to
>> the ipngwg. The exact message from the ipng archives is reproduced below.
>> 1280 isn't just a recommendation - it's *the law*. Any link that cannot do 
>> 1280
>> (tunnels included) is not an IPv6 link.
> Yes from IPv6’s view, but you can make a link that can’t do 1280 work if it 
> has its own local L2 fragmentation / reassembly as noted in Steve’s email.  
> ATM with is 53 byte cells comes to mind.

IPv4 with a small PMTU also comes to mind, as discussed in Section 3.2.2 of RFC 

   In this case, the IPv6 layer has to "see" a link
   layer with an MTU of 1280 bytes and the encapsulator has to use IPv4
   fragmentation in order to forward the 1280 byte IPv6 packets.


> Bob
>> Fred
>> ---
>> From owner-i...@sunroof.eng.sun.com  Thu Nov 13 16:41:01 1997
>> Received: (from majordomo@localhost)
>>      by sunroof.eng.sun.com (8.8.8+Sun.Beta.0/8.8.8) id QAA14339
>>      for ipng-dist; Thu, 13 Nov 1997 16:38:00 -0800 (PST)
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>>      by sunroof.eng.sun.com (8.8.8+Sun.Beta.0/8.8.8) with SMTP id QAA14332
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>> Date: Thu, 13 Nov 1997 16:37:00 -0800
>> To: IPng Working Group <i...@sunroof.eng.sun.com>
>> From: Steve Deering <deer...@cisco.com>
>> Subject: (IPng 4802) increasing the IPv6 minimum MTU
>> Cc: hin...@ipsilon.com
>> Sender: owner-i...@eng.sun.com
>> Precedence: bulk
>> In the ipngwg meeting in Munich, I proposed increasing the IPv6 minimum MTU
>> from 576 bytes to something closer to the Ethernet MTU of 1500 bytes, (i.e.,
>> 1500 minus room for a couple layers of encapsulating headers, so that min-
>> MTU-size packets that are tunneled across 1500-byte-MTU paths won't be
>> subject to fragmentation/reassembly on ingress/egress from the tunnels,
>> in most cases).
>> After the short discussion in the Munich meeting, I called for a show of
>> hands, and of those who raised their hands (about half the attendees, if
>> I recall correctly), the vast majority were in favor of this change --
>> there were only two or three people opposed.  However, we recognized that
>> a fundamental change of this nature requires thoughtful discussion and
>> analysis on the mailing list, to allow those who were not at the meeting
>> and those who were there but who have since had second thoughts, to express
>> their opinions.  A couple of people have already, in private conversation,
>> raised some concerns that were not identified in the discussion at the
>> meeting, which I report below.  We would like to get this issue settled as
>> soon as possible, since this is the only thing holding up the publication
>> of the updated Proposed Standard IPv6 spec (the version we expect to advance
>> to Draft Standard), so let's see if we can come to a decision before the ID
>> deadline at the end of next week (hoping there isn't any conflict between
>> "thoughtful analysis" and "let's decide quickly" :-).
>> The reason I would like to increase the minimum MTU is that there are some
>> applications for which Path MTU Discovery just won't work very well, and
>> which will therefore limit themselves to sending packets no larger than
>> the minimum MTU.  Increasing the minimum MTU would improve the bandwidth
>> efficiency, i.e., reduce the header overhead (ratio of header bytes to
>> payload bytes), for those applications.  Some examples of such applications
>> are:
>>    (1) Large-fanout, high-volume multicast apps, such as multicast video
>>      ("Internet TV"), multicast netnews, and multicast software
>>      distribution.  I believe these applications will end up limiting
>>      themselves to packets no large than the min MTU in order to avoid
>>      the danger of incurring  an "implosion" of ICMP Packet-Too-Big
>>      messages in response.  Even though we have specified that router
>>      implementations must carefully rate-limit the emission of ICMP
>>      error messages, I am nervous about how well this will work in
>>      practice, especially once there is a lot of high-speed, bulk
>>      multicasting happening.  An appropriate choice of rate or
>>      probability of emission of Packet-Too-Big responses to multicasts
>>      really depends on the fan-out of the multicast trees and the MTUs of
>>      all the branches in that tree, which is unknown and unknowable to
>>      the routers.  Being sensibly conservative by choosing a very low
>>      rate could, in many cases, significantly increase the delay before
>>      the multicast source learns the right MTU for the tree and, hence,
>>      before receivers on smaller-MTU branches can start receiving the
>>      data.
>>    (2) DNS servers, or other similar apps that have the requirement of
>>      sending a small amount of data (a few packets at most) to a very
>>      large and transient set of clients.  Such servers often reside on
>>      links, such as Ethernet, that have an MTU bigger than the links on
>>      which many of their clients may reside, such as dial-up links.  If
>>      those servers were to send many reply messages of the size of their
>>      own links (as required by PMTU Discovery), they could incur very
>>      many ICMP packet-too-big messages and consequent retransmissions of
>>      the replies -- in the worse case, multiplying the total bandwidth
>>      consumption (and delivery delay) by 2 or 3 times that of the
>>      alternative approach of just using the min MTU always.  Furthermore,
>>      the use of PMTU Discovery could result in such servers filling up
>>      lots of memory withed cached PMTU information that will never be
>>      used again (at least, not before it gets garbage-collected).
>> The number I propose for the new minimum MTU is 1280 bytes (1024 + 256,
>> as compared to the classic 576 value which is 512 + 64).  That would
>> leave generous room for encapsulating/tunnel headers within the Ethernet
>> MTU of 1500, e.g., enough for two layers of secure tunneling including
>> both ESP and AUTH headers.
>> For medium-to-high speed links, this change would reduce the IPv6 header
>> overhead for min MTU packets from 7% to 3% (a little less than the IPv4
>> header overhead for 576-byte IPv4 packets).  For low-speed links such as
>> analog dial-up or low-speed wireless, I assume that header compression will
>> be employed, which compresses out the IPv6 header completely, so the IPv6
>> header overhead on such links is effectively zero in any case.
>> Here is a list of *disadvantages* to increasing the IPv6 minimum MTU that
>> have been raised, either publically or privately:
>>    (1) This change would require the specification of link-specific
>>      fragmentation and reassembly protocols for those link-layers
>>      that can support 576-byte packets but not 1280-byte packets,
>>      e.g., AppleTalk.  I think such a protocol could be very simple,
>>      and I briefly sketch such a protocol in Appendix I of this
>>      message, as an example.
>>      Often, those links that have a small native MTU are also the ones
>>      that have low bandwidth.  On low-bandwidth links, it is often
>>      desirable to locally fragment and reassemble IPv6 packets anyway
>>      (even 576-byte ones) in order to avoid having small, interactive
>>      packets (e.g., keystrokes, character echoes, or voice samples)
>>      be delayed excessively behind bigger packets (e.g., file transfers);
>>      the small packets can be interleaved with the fragments of the
>>      big packets.  Someone mentioned in the meeting in Munich that the
>>      ISSLL WG was working on a PPP-specific fragmentation and
>>      reassembly protocol for precisely this reason, so maybe the job
>>      of specifying such a protocol is already being taken care of.
>>    (2) Someone raised the concern that, if we make the minimum MTU close
>>      to Ethernet size, implementors might never bother to implement PMTU
>>      Discovery.  That would be regrettable, especially if the Internet
>>      evolves to much more widespread use of links with MTUs bigger
>>      than Ethernet's, since IPv6 would then fail to take advantage of
>>      the bandwidth efficiencies possible on larger MTU paths.
>>    (3) Peter Curran pointed out to me that using a larger minimum MTU for
>>      IPv6 may result in much greater reliance on *IPv4* fragmentation and
>>      reassembly during the transition phase while much of the IPv6
>>      traffic is being tunneled over IPv4.  This could incur unfortunate
>>      performance penalties for tunneled IPv6 traffic (disasterous
>>      penalties if there is non-negligible loss of IPv4 fragments).
>>      I have included Peter's message, describing his concern in more
>>      detail, in Appendix II of this message.
>>    (4) Someone expressed the opinion that the requirement for link-layer
>>      fragmentation and reassembly of IPv6 over low-cost, low-MTU links
>>      like Firewire, would doom the potential use of IPv6 in cheap
>>      consumer devices in which minimizing code size is important --
>>      implementors of cheap Firewire devices would choose IPv4 instead,
>>      since it would not need a fragmenting "shim" layer.  This may well
>>      be true, though I suspect the code required for local frag/reasm
>>      would be negligible compared to the code required for Neighbor
>>      Discovery.
>> Personally, I am not convinced by the above concerns that increasing the
>> minimum MTU would be a mistake, but I'd like to hear what the rest of the
>> WG thinks.  Are there other problems that anyone can think of?  As I
>> mentioned earlier, the clear consensus of the Munich attendees was to
>> increase the minimum MTU, so we need to find out if these newly-identified
>> problems are enough to swing the consensus in the other direction.  Your
>> feedback is heartily requested.
>> Steve
>> ----------
>> Appendix I
>> Here is a sketch of a fragmentation and reassembly protocol (call it FRP)
>> to be employed between the IP layer and the link layer of a link with native
>> (or configured) MTU less than 1280 bytes.
>> Identify a Block Size, B, which is the lesser of (a) the native MTU of the
>> link or (b) a value related to the bandwidth of the link, chosen to bound
>> the latency that one block can impose on a subsequent block.  For example,
>> to stay within a latency of 200 ms on a 9600 bps link, choose a block size
>> of .2 * 9600 = 2400 bits = 240 bytes.
>> IPv6 packets of length <= B are transmitted directly on the link.
>> IPv6 packets of length > B are fragmented into blocks of size B
>> (the last block possibly being shorter than B), and those fragments
>> are transmitted on the link with an FRP header containing the following
>> fields:
>>      [packet ID, block number, end flag]
>> where:
>>      packet ID is the same for all fragments of the same packet,
>>      and is incremented for each new fragmented packet.  The size of
>>      the packet ID field limits how many packets can be in flight or
>>      interleaved on the link at any one time.
>>      block number identifies the blocks within a packet, starting at
>>      block zero.  The block number field must be large enough to
>>      identify 1280/B blocks.
>>      end flag is a one-bit flag which is used to mark the last block
>>      of a packet.
>> For example, on a 9600 bps serial link, one might use a block size of
>> 240 bytes and an 8-bit FRP header of the following format:
>>      4-bit packet ID, which allows interleaving of up to 16 packets.
>>      3-bit block number, to identify blocks numbered 0 through 5.
>>      1-bit end flag.
>> On a 256 kpbs AppleTalk link, one might use the AppleTalk-imposed block
>> size of ~580 bytes and an 8-bit FRP header of the following format:
>>      5-bit packet ID, which allows for up to 32 fragmented packets in
>>                 flight from each source across the AppleTalk internet.
>>      2-bit block number, to identify blocks numbered 0 through 2.
>>      1-bit end flag.
>> On a multi-access link, like AppleTalk, the receiver uses the link-level
>> source address as well as the packet ID to identify blocks belonging to
>> the same packet.
>> If a receiver fails to receive all of the blocks of a packet by the time
>> the packet number wraps around, it discards the incompletely-reassembled
>> packet.  Taking this approach, no timers should be needed at the receiver
>> to detect fragment loss.  We expect the transport layer (e.g., TCP) checksum
>> at the final IPv6 destination to detect mis-assembly that might be caused by
>> extreme misordering/delay during transit across the link.
>> On links on which IPv6 header compression is being used, compression is
>> performed before fragmentation, and reassembly is done before decompression.
>> ----------
>> Appendix II
>> From: Peter Curran <pe...@gate.ticl.co.uk>
>> Subject: Re: IPv6 MTU issue
>> To: deer...@cisco.com (Steve Deering)
>> Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 11:50:34 +0100 (BST)
>> Steve
>> My problem was that moving the MTU close to 1500 would have an adverse
>> effect on the transition strategy.  The current strategy assumes that the
>> typical Internet MTU is >576, and that sending an IPv6 packet close to the
>> minimum MTU will not require any IPv4 fragmentation to support the tunnel
>> transparently.  The PMTU discovery mechanism will 'tune' IPv6 to use a
>> suitable MTU.
>> If the IPv4 MTU is <= 576 then IPv4 fragmentation will be required to
>> provide a tunnel with a minimum MTU of 576 for IPv6.  This clearly places
>> a significant strain on the tunnelling nodes - as these will normally be
>> routers then there will be a demand for memory (for reassembly buffers)
>> as well as CPU (for the frag/reassembly process) that will have an overall
>> impact on performance.
>> This is an acceptable risk, as Internet MTU's of <= 576 are not too common.
>> However, if the minimum MTU of IPv6 is increased to something of the order
>> of 1200-1500 octets then the likelihood of finding an IPv4 path with an
>> MTU lower than this value increases (I think significantly) and this will
>> have a performance impact on these devices.
>> During the brief discussion of this matter in the IPNG session at Munich
>> you stated that MTU's less than 1500 where rare.  I don't agree with this
>> completely - it seems to be pretty common practise for smaller 2nd and 3rd
>> tier ISP's in the UK to use an MTU of 576 for connection to their transit
>> provider.  Their objective, I believe, is to 'normalize' the packet sizes
>> on relatively low bandwidth circuits (typically <1Mbps) to provide better
>> performance for interactive sessions compared to bulk-file transfer users.
>> I think that before we go ahead and make a decision on an increased minimum
>> MTU for IPv6 then we should discuss the issues a little more.
>> Incidentally, I am not convinced of the benefits of doing this anyway
>> (ignoring the issue raised above).  With a properly setup stack the PMTU
>> discovery mechanism seems to be able to select a good MTU for use on the
>> path - at least that is my experience on our test network and the 6Bone.
>> I appreciate that you are trying to address the issues of PMTU for multi-
>> casting but I don't see how raising the minumum MTU is going to help much.
>> PMTU discovery will still be required irrespective of the minimum MTU
>> adopted, unless we adopt a value that can be used on all link-layer technolo-
>> gies.
>> I would welcome wider discussion of these issues before pressing ahead
>> with a change.
>> Best regards
>> Peter Curran
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>> FTP archive:                      ftp://playground.sun.com/pub/ipng
>> Direct all administrative requests to majord...@sunroof.eng.sun.com
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