On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 10:40 AM Robinson, Herbie
<herbie.robin...@stratus.com> wrote:
> > The nice thing about TSO/GSO/GRO is that they don't require any
> > changes to the protocol as just implementation techniques, also
> > they're one sided opitmizations meaning for instance that TSO can be
> > used at the sender without requiring GRO to be used at the receiver.
> > My understanding is that IP parcels requires new protocol that would
> > need to be implemented on both endpoints and possibly in some routers.
> > Do you have data that shows the benefits of IP Parcels in light of
> > these requirements?
> The various segmentation offload optimizations done by NICs have a number of 
> drawbacks that the parcel scheme does not have:
> 1.  They are still limited to 65K bytes.

That's true, however we do start to get diminishing returns above 64K
(this is why I asked for real data, the existing offloads have already
solved the bulk of the problem AFAICT). The primary problem with these
optimizations is that they are opportunistic. e.g. we can only send
>64K on a TCP connection if that's available CWND. In the worst case,
e.g. TCP is in slow start, then we may only bei sending a few segments
so such optimizations don't help and can actually hurt if those
deploying these optimization under provision for the worst case that
the optimizations can't be used.

> 2.  The number of streams that can be optimized are significantly limited by 
> memory in the NIC and usually by the size of the receive queue.  In other 
> words, it words some of the time, but not all of the time.

I don't see how IP parcels are any different in this regard, it would
similarly be reassembling segments into larger segments which requires
memory if the NIC is doing it. There might be an argument that this is
standard means to perform intelligent fragmentation, but again that
needs to be measured against the complexity and feasibility of
deploying a new on the wire protocol.

> 3.  The NIC is responsible for checksum computation and validation.  If one 
> is operating in a fault tolerant environment, one wants the checksum 
> computation/checking done in the fault tolerant domain (i.e., the host, not 
> the NIC).

We still need checksum offload with IP parcels. For instance, if a
parcel contains 10 TCP segments we'd need the device to compute and
set 10 checksums. I'm not sure how this could work in IP parcels other
than using similar techniques for TSO.


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