Hi Dan,

Thanks for the comments.

On Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 3:46 PM Dan Wing <danw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sep 29, 2023, at 9:36 AM, Tom Herbert 
> <tom=40herbertland....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 29, 2023 at 8:49 AM Robinson, Herbie
> <Herbie.Robinson=40stratus....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
> OK, I see where you are coming from and it makes sense.  Hopefully that will 
> become clear when the IANA Considerations section gets completed.
> Just out of curiosity, how would key distribution and updating work for the 
> encryption?
> Herbie,
> That's a very good question, and probably one of the more interesting
> sub-problems of host networking that we'll have to solve! That is: How
> do we implement distributed security with potentially multiple nodes
> performing decryption of the data in the high performance datapath?
> Great document.  Thanks for gathering all the information in one place.


> The key distribution solution (or obfuscation distribution solution) will 
> likely require softening the third bullet of 
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-herbert-net2hostsig-00#section-6,
>    *  Host to network signaling MUST be be stateless within the network.
>       In particular intermediate nodes MUST NOT be required to create
>       and maintain state for transport layer connections.

I think that refers more to the data plane, not necessarily the control plane.

> To avoid that state the network element would have to dictate the keys (or 
> the obfuscation) using some spiffy algorithm of its own design.  But another 
> requirement nearly prohibits the network from dictating keys (or 
> obfuscation), because the endpoint doesn't necessarily know when a different 
> path is chosen by the network and getting two disparate networks to cooperate 
> on keying (or obfuscation) seems hard.  It reads:
>    *  Host to network signaling MUST work in a multi-homed and multi-
>       path environments.  For instance, if two packets are sent for a
>       flow that are annotated with the same a host to network signal,
>       the signal can be properly processed even if there are no common
>       on-path nodes for the two packets.

Yes, but I would assume that different paths usually means different
paths in the same network. Like maybe a mobile device moving from one
base station of a provider to the next. If the device crosses into a
limited domain, then maybe it needs to get a new signal.

> Regarding TCP being the predominant transport protocol:  sure, but QUIC is 
> giving TCP a run for its money, so to speak.  The popularity of TCP is not 
> detrimental to UDP proposals which seek to differentiate certain UDP packets 
> within the same flow.  TCP can't prioritize packets within the same flow 
> because of in-order delivery.

Sure, I will replace 'the' with 'a' :-)

> The last bullet of 
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-herbert-net2hostsig-00#section-5.3
>  says
>    *  The flow label is expected to be unchanged for the duration of a
>       flow so there is no means to change service parameters mid-flow or
>       per packet.
> which seems at conflict with IPv6's automatic flow labels you had previously 
> brought to my attention 
> (https://ripe82.ripe.net/presentations/20-azimov.ripe82.pdf).

The requirement stems from the fact that some stateful firewalls
expect consistent routing of all packets in a flow so we had to turn
off flow label modulation as the default. In a limited domain, it
would be okay to change flow labels mid-flow. In fact, there seems to
be a renewed interest in Random Packet Spraying, one of the goals of
Ultra Ethernet, and randomly setting the flow label on each packet of
a flow would be a pretty easy way to accomplish that if network nodes
use the flow label in ECMP-- of course, I wouldn't want to do that
when sending on the Internet :-)


> -d

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