On Wednesday June 16 2010 18:12:38 Marc Deop i Argemí wrote:
> Sometimes I amaze myself :S It clearly says after this.
> I'll do that tonight

Finished the bisect although I don't think it was helpfull because all the 
steps were negative: all made my computer freeze.

However, the output was:

29ba8a84f7cf5c29a5f38688a1ac0ccf41d8e4ec is the first bad commit

> However, I have to comment that the system has been stable with the 2.12RC
> for  two hours after applying this patch from my distribution (Archlinux):

After being with this config for almost a day, I have to say it was rock 
solid: played youtube videos (fullscreen and window), played Opengl games 
(nexuiz) and I could actually play on my crt without problem (before it would 
turn off after a few seconds). The system was very responsive specially 
without composing enabled.

There were some problems though: corruption on some menus (KDE4) and I 
couldn't not rotate the screen 270º as everything was corrupted on the screen 
(it was solved going back to normal, it was difficult though: I could not see 
what I was writing...).

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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