On 2010.07.14 15:40:56 -0700, Jesse Barnes wrote:
> Fixes https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28739.  We need to
> enable power to the panel with the AUX VDD bit in order to properly
> detect the eDP attached panel, and we also need to turn the panel on in
> case it was off when we started (as happens at resume time).
> But this patch raises a couple of questions:
>   1) why does the first panel on sequence time out?
>   2) why do I need to unlock the panel protected regs?

Maybe in your case write protect is set to on? That might
lead to panel power sequence time out. 

I'll send you some references, I haven't tracked eDP issue
recently including spec update, so something may be wrong
and not fixed. 

Open Source Technology Center, Intel ltd.

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