Am 09.06.2014 13:08, schrieb Ville Syrjälä
No, we do restore the mode you were using before suspend.

Are you still using vbetool? That would explain why things go bad since
vbetool will clobber whatever i915 already did.

No, vbetool is out of the equation (see the script attached to the previous post). However, I dumped the 830MG register set and the ns2501 DVO set before and after the suspend, and they are pretty different. As said, the 830 is configured
to use a 640x480 mode (instead of the 1024x786 mode) and the DVO is off.

Maybe the kernel tries to mode-detect the connected monitor, and this fails because the PLLs are not yet configured correctly? Note that the ns2501 requires a correctly configured DVO to be able to respond on the i2c bus. If so, mode-detection requires configuring the PLLs to *some* useful mode before attempting
to detect anything, otherwise the DVO just plays "dead".


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