Hello All,

I have a curious question about the default QItemSelectionModel that is created 
whenever a QAbstractItemView is created: Is this default selection model 
parented to the view? What I really want to know is, if I create a new 
QAbstractItemView, set the model on it and then create a new 
QItemSelectionModel and pass it into the view's setSelectionModel() function, 
will the default selection model be deleted when the view is deleted? The 
documentation is a little hazy on this topic. It says that "It is up to the 
application to delete the old selection model if it is no longer needed...", 
but that it will be deleted by its parent if it has one. So, I have a new view 
and I am changing its selection model to my own and the one that was created by 
default is no longer needed. Should I go ahead and delete the old default 
selection model, or is it safe to say it is parented to the view and will be 
deleted when the view is deleted?

Thank You,

When you meet someone better than yourself, turn your thoughts to becoming his 
equal. When you meet someone not as good as you are, look within and examine 
your own self. -- The Analects, Confucius

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