Hi, I faced a simular situation last summer, and I used this: http://com0com.sourceforge.net/

Rgrds Henry
P.S. I think it only works on Windows, though.

On 2017-03-28 00:48, Murphy, Sean wrote:
I've got a class that inherits from QSerialPort. The bulk of the code in the 
class is parsing that I'm doing in a slot that is connected to QSerialPort's 
readyRead() signal. I want to inject known data  into this class as if it's 
actually coming across the serial port to validate my parsing code, is there 
any way to do that? Ideally I'd be able to write data in and have it trigger 
the readyRead() signal, but I'm not seeing any way to do that.

I know I could write a separate application that writes out one serial port, 
and then I could cable that back to my other serial port, but I was just 
looking for a way to do it all in code.


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