Il 31/10/18 21:59, Jason H ha scritto:
Thanks Giuseppe! That's getting closer :-) however the expression boggles my mind. "originals | ranges::view::transform" there's a lot of compiler voodoo there. I'm trying to keep up on all the C++0xYZ developments, and still trying to wrap my head around SFINAE. I had to look up CTAD, and that looks like a very good enhancement. I think Qt should hide a lot of that compiler iteration from me ;-)

You can replace Qt with "the libraries I use". They will hide the complexity of compiler magic from you (where do you _see_ the magic in the lines I pasted?).

And every time you use C++ you have the Standard Library with you, which (crossing fingers) will have ranges in C++2a; why should Qt spend any time at all implementing something like that?

If anything, this means that QImage should be adapted to be usable through ranges (!).

It is an unfortunate phenomenon that I am spending more time decrypting 
compiler Voodoo.

Sorry, I don't get this. If you're just using the features, why would you care about they're implemented? What's there to decrypt?

Just rest assured that any feature coming from the Standard Library comes from the very same people building your compiler, so it will get implemented in the best way possible.

Giuseppe D'Angelo | | Senior Software Engineer
KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
Tel. France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53,
KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts

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