On 31/03/2020 16.12, Krzysztof Kawa wrote:
> This got me thinking about quite a simple case that doesn't seem so
> simple now: Lets say I make a game using open-source licensed Qt, or
> even just open-source licensed Qt Creator. After few years of
> development I decide to publish the game. It just so happens that my
> publisher has a storefront app using commercial Qt or even just
> written in Qt Creator under commercial license. To put my app in their
> store there's usually some API, config file or whatever that
> technically makes it mixing the two, even if not through Qt based
> interface. 

Are you talking about an API that *your game* will use (e.g. for IAPs)?
Or just the process of submitting your content to be distributed?

> Does that mean I can't publish my app in that store?

*You* are fine, so long as publishing doesn't prevent you from
fulfilling your [L]GPL obligations.

The store, OTOH... I have no idea. (Lucky for you that's not *your*

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