
We have now clarified the license agreement to allow use of independent 
open-source items in conjunction with commercially license Qt. 

The updated agreement (version 4.2.3) states:

"Permitted Software" shall mean any (i) open source software (excluding Open 
Source Qt) that is a) generally available for public in source code form 
without additional cost under any of the licenses approved by Open Source 
Initiative as listed on  https://opensource.org/licenses; and (b) is in no way, 
directly or indirectly, developed by or for or otherwise related to or in the 
interest of the Licensee or its Affiliates, or (ii) software The Qt Company has 
made available via its Qt Marketplace online distribution channel.
Updated agreement can be found from https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions as well 
as from the Qt online installer.

This clarification should clear the usage of independent open-source tools and 
libraries containing or developed with Qt. Mixing of open-source Qt framework 
and tools with commercially licensed Qt remains forbidden, just like before.



On 2.4.2020, 21.17, "Bernhard Lindner" <priv...@bernhard-lindner.de> wrote:

    Hi Tuukaa!

    > TTT: This part is difficult to generally answer, as it depends how these 
are used and
    > what these are used for. Intention of the mixing restriction is to 
prevent cases where
    > someone (e.g. a company) uses the open-source version of Qt in cases 
where they should
    > use commercial version. Typical example of this is a case where only part 
of the
    > developers using Qt together would have a commercial license. We are 
aware of the fact
    > that the way how it is written is such that it might extend further than 
the primary
    > intention. This is a topic that we do not currently have a proper 
solution for. 

    Then you should find a solution. This puts customers / developers / users 
in the situation
    that they depend on the goodwill of a for-profit corporation. However, 
there is no good
    will in a profit-making business.

    It must be perfectly clear that development projects are not affected by 
the fundamental
    use of third-party Qt-based applications.

    I probably will not use Qt for new projects and I cannot recommend it (but 
I have to add
    that this decision is also driven by the fact that the technical priorities 
in the Qt
    project have not been in line with my priorities for a few years) .

    Best Regards,
    Bernhard Lindner

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