Sorry, forgot to mention, the iOS settings when building into the QtCreator is
Development team: Default
Automaticaly manage signing: checked

Qmake setting from within the QtCreators:
additional arguments: is blank (nothing added)
effective calls:
/Users/MyUSER/dev/Nubitus-App-Qml/ -spec macx-ios-clang 
CONFIG+=release CONFIG+=iphoneos CONFIG+=device CONFIG+=qtquickcompiler -after 
&& /usr/bin/make qmake_all
Nothing is checked into the ABI section either.
Nothing into the make section have been added.
No env variables have been manually update there either.

So I do not specify anything more into the .user of the project. All is self 
contains and should be ready to build out of the box.

From: Interest <> On Behalf Of Jérôme Godbout
Sent: June 18, 2020 2:30 PM
Subject: [Interest] Building iOS from command line

I'm trying to build my project from my CI system to generate the .ipa (and stop 
releasing by hand over. But I seem to be missing something into my way of doing 
it (I managed to do it for Android, armv7/armv8 .apk and .aab). Here is my 
steps raw command line steps (not the provisioning, certificate and the 
keychain are installed and work with a Xamarin and Unity application with the 
same setup, the question is not about those parts).

I'm building on lastest MacOS X, xcode is up to date and Qt 5.15.0

"/Users/Shared/Qt/5.15.0/ios/bin/qmake" -spec macx-ios-clang 
CONFIG+=release CONFIG+=iphoneos CONFIG+=device CONFIG+=qtquickcompiler -after

make -f Makefile qmake_all


The Qmake generate the makefile, make qmake_all work just fine, but the make 
build give me the following error:

Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching 

but my .pro clearly indicate

Q_PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER.value = ca.amotus.NubitusApp

When building from inside QtCreator this work and the provisioning is also 
working just fine. so my question: Why is the build any different? is QtCreator 
doing any extra steps not print into the output? is there any env variables 
required for Q_PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER to be used? Did I miss a step?!

Extra points question: will this generate an .ipa or .app ? How does one 
generate a .ipa from the command lines out of the result build by Qt make?


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