Am I the only one to feel that Roland monopolises the mailing list again,
after a couple of years?

On Tue, 20 Apr 2021 at 15:11, Roland Hughes <>

> On 4/20/2021 5:00 AM, Giuseppe D'Angelo wrote:
> On 18/04/2021 14:50, Roland Hughes wrote:
> I guess QML is more present in embedded? Or maybe some entreprise stuff
> we don't know about...
> Just phones and John Deere.
> This is false, as a quick walk through the customer showcase on TQC's
> website will show.
> It's completely true. That tiny subset on the Web site doesn't scratch the
> surface. It certainly doesn't encompass my customer base and I haven't
> heard anyone pipe up on here using QML for anything non-significant that
> wasn't phones or John Deere. Even the one medical device we have been told
> about on this list has said you can't do anything in QML, only painting.
>  QML was a bad idea trying to get around a legacy problem without
> actually fixing the legacy problem. The legacy problem is the single
> thread-i-ness of Qt. Back when Intel was selling 486 chips with a
> manufacturing defect as SX
> This is also false. SXs have never been defective CPUs.
> You need to actually learn processor history or at least do some research
> before you speak.
> The 486SX was a marketing quirk. Intel had a high failure rate (low yield)
> on the FPU. When a CPU passed DX testing it was sold as a 486DX. When it
> failed testing it went down another line where they "cut some pins" so the
> chip couldn't communicate with the bad FPU, put an SX on it and sold scrap
> at a discount.
> The 386SX was a different design. The 486SX was simply unloading 486DX
> junk.
>  All of this is why I'm so excited to read about the Vulkan stuff going
> on with the CsPaint library and the Vulkan links I sent you earlier. On
> the surface it seems like someone talked to people who write software on
> big computers before work started. Need to dig deeper to be really
> certain, but you communicate with a "loader" that can support many revs
> of the API.
> Are you aware that Qt has had Vulkan integration classes since 5.12 (?),
> and Vulkan can be used as a Qt Quick backend in Qt 6?
> The ability of painting from multiple threads (or better, to build
> command buffers from multiple threads) doesn't magically solve the
> problem of manipulating data structures safely from multiple threads.
> The single threaded CPU-based _painting_ of the syntax highlighting has
> hardly ever been an issue; its _generation_ has, as it involves
> modifying a shared data structure (while also the user is modifying it)
> without races and without locking against the GUI thread. QTextDocument
> design is unlikely to fit the bill here; a different design sounds
> anything but easy, but the underlying graphics API has very little to do
> with this.
> The API has a ___lot___ to do with this as the dude putting out featherpad
> is learning the hard way and every editor developer attempting to use Qt
> and only Qt before them. The single-thread-i-ness hits a hard wall. That's
> the biggest issue.
> That is followed by all of the "why would anyone have done __that__"
> issues:
> like burying the selection active inside a private internal class and
> basing it on the difference of cursor position thus making it physically
> impossible to follow numerous time honored editor traditions of <Begin
> Mark> <End Mark>. Unless you gut the class and redevelop from scratch you
> can't have an N-key key sequence for begin mark and have the editor class
> understand a selection has been enabled even though there is zero cursor
> difference.
> Close on the heels of that "Why are they highlighting the whole thing?"
> when you only need the currently visible lines and possibly a screen
> up/down. Open up a 10,000 line source file in editors using Scintilla or
> the Electron JavaScript based things, or even GUI Emacs even on an i5-gen3
> and you are almost instantly taken to the line you were on with perfect
> syntax highlighting. Because QPlainTextEdit has to do everything in the
> main event loop and appears not to understand scope of visibility, it
> starts at the top and works its way down. Bad enough with one file, but try
> having three tabs open all with large files all using regular expressions
> for highlighting in the main event loop.
> The underlying graphics API contributes to the single-thread-i-ness which
> really drops the 6-bottom plow in behind the lawn mower.
> Integration isn't service. During the era of the 286 and OS/2 Integration 
> made sense. Today you need a stand alone service having a limited physical 
> communication API that can handle hundreds of different logical API versions. 
> This is how you do things in the world of large applications so you can 
> support things for 30+ years.
> Even economists know the story of the 486SX.
> Even Byte Magazine told the 486SX 
> story.
> You will find it is also one of the many case studies used by good management 
> schools about turning failure into profits.
> The other case studies they will cover are:
> the Sony Walkman. A shiny new VP combined a failed portable tape recorder 
> that couldn't record with an earbud/headphone set that had no market. Both 
> R&D failures that, when combined became a highly profitable niche market.
> 3M Post-It Notes: Engineers and scientists set out to create a glue so strong 
> it made Crazy glue look like Elmer's School Glue. They took the path of 
> exponentially increasing the length of time to dry. The end result was it 
> never really dries and bonds. It was a complete failure until someone used it 
> to glue little yellow pieces of paper together in the form of note pads. 
> People found you could stick them to anything and they would come right off.
> Gasoline: This was largely a byproduct of making heating and lamp oil. It was 
> dumped into rivers and burned off . . . Until Henry Ford came along.
> Vulcanization: Mr. Goodyear meeting investors in a shed that had a wood stove 
> for heat was raging that they wouldn't give him more money. Rubber tires were 
> so flimsy and blew out so often that "can I kick the tires" became a line in 
> American culture. Flinging his new hunk of rubber around while hollering and 
> gesturing with his arms, it landed on the hot wood stove. After scraping it 
> off the stove they found the result was still flexible and far more 
> impervious to cuts. He got his money.
> --
> Roland Hughes, President
> Logikal Solutions
> (630)-205-1593
> https://theminimumyouneedtoknow.comhttps://infiniteexposure.nethttps://lesedi.ushttps://johnsmith-book.comhttps://logikalblog.com
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