On 28/02/2006, at 4:38, Bennie Warren wrote:
I am really interested and totally impressed. I would like to use this with our rural radio users. This would show all installed and I would need a way to show where we have tested and no installation was possible. Where can we get the source for this?

Well, it should all be linked in the index.html file.

For easy download it's now available here:


Some notes:
1: the /proxy/*.php files needs PHP 4+ on the server with CURL support.
This is needed, as XMLHttpRequest is only allowed to connect back to the same server is the 'host' page is send from.

2: I'm merging 3 XML files, as noted in the first mail - read it to get an idea. This could be optimized into two or one, if we can get all data from InterMapper directly. As I'm not the DB-manager here, I store the lat/long in a simple XML file (markers.xml)

Matching is done on 'pid_###' right now, and in InterMapper that is stored in the devices comment. I have made a request to Dartware, if it would be possible to add custom attributes to the Devices table, but its not implemented nor promised yet.. (hint-hint Rich..) this would allow you to add your foreign database key to the device, without exposing it in the GUI and web.

Lastly a minor Warning: The Google Maps API seem to leak/cause the browser to leak memory when updating the icons, so if you run this for days you might crash the browser (or the OS if there is no memory protection..)

As it's all JavaScript you can help by filing bugreports with your favorit browser vendor.. :-)

Enjoy - I'm off to some sleep,

    Jakob Peterhänsel

"Tell me why, don't we try, not to break our hearts
  and make it so hard for our selfs"
P.S.B. 1987

AIM:         Marook
Phone:     +45 22684961

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