On Wed, 21 Jan 2004, Zeev Suraski wrote:

>There is some BC issue, because if you configured gpc_order for something 
>specific and you rely on it, this setting will be silently ignored...

    Well, my patch makes variables_order to default to EGPCS
    so it wouldn't mean the variables wouldn't be available..
    And I would guess it's VERY rare that someone 
    a) even uses gpc_order (given the note about it being deprecated
       since PHP 4.0.0 was released, afaik)
    b) if they 'use' it, it's just because they either don't
       read, or they totally ignore our recommendations
    gpc_order only lets you control GPC, they'd still have
    E & S set anyway, right? 

    So the only BC prob would be that someone had changed the
    order, ie. uses 'gpc_order = CPG' or something similar.
    In which case they also don't use register_globals where this
    would have any meaning in the first place.
>I *think* it's probably not that popular to change it, and that it's 
>becoming less and less of an issue with the autoglobals.  But on the other 

    Right. And that's the point for removing the confusion
    for people who DO use register_globals. 

>hand, why do you want to remove it if it doesn't cause any problems (or 
>does it?)?

    One reason to remove it is that there's no point having two ini options
    doing the same thing, where one overrides the other. (the confusion :)
    Other reason to remove it is to cleanup the code. (okay, it's minimal, but still :)
    Another reason to remove it is that we've said in manual for ages that
    the option doesn't even exist in PHP 4. :)
    And last reason, we're gonna release a major version. And that doesn't
    happen very often so this would be very good time to remove this 
    kind of stuff. (I think it's very, VERY small possibility that this would
    cause any problems for anyone)

    p.s. I actually removed this to clear up php_variables.c when I was trying
         to figure out what causes bug http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=25724

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