On Sun, 2004-02-15 at 12:08, Zeev Suraski wrote:
> At 12:04 15/02/2004, Timm Friebe wrote:
> >I agree with Sterling. What if I have some really methods in my base
> >class that I rely on being existant in each and every subclass of it,
> >including Exception (or any other name I thought of to work around
> >"Exception" being built-in)?
> Couldn't quite understand that.  Can you elaborate on what you mean exactly?

  Assume, in my current setup, I have my own exception class, which
  extends my own base class, called Object. The class Object has a
  method getClass() which returns the Reflection_Class for $this (
  there are actually some more methods in it that are available to 
  all extending classes).

  Example, shortened for brevity:
    class Object {
      public function getClass() {
        return new Reflection_Class($this);

    class _Exception extends Object {

    $e= new _Exception();

  In all of my code, I rely on each and every object having this
  method, which of course will be broken for any exception I will
  now need to extend from the built-in exception class (that does
  not have this method).

  Of course, I could always extend the built-in exception and add
  the base class' methods to it, too, resulting in duplicate
  code and not solving the problem for Exception itself. 

  Without the requirement to extend the built-in exception class,
  I could get around this by simply not using it and for those
  cases where it might occur, catching it and rethrowing my own 

  As of B4, this is no longer possible. That's why i was agreeing
  to Sterling in saying it should be optional to use the built-in
  exception class. If there was a requirement to implement an 
  interface (call it Throwable, for instance), simply let the 
  built-in class implement it. People wouldn't have to get into
  interfaces when using (and/or subclassing) it but *only* for the
  case when they want something similar to what I described above.
  People wanting this will tend to be the kind of people that know
  about interfaces, anyway:)

- Timm

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