On Sun, Feb 15, 2004 at 04:12:08PM +0100, Marcus Boerger wrote:
> Even if it were not the best solution it is still the solution that fits PHP
> best and which is easiest to the developers. And as i said a while back the
> current exception class allows several things a user implementation cannot
> do. Though meanwhile some of those things are possible in userland too there
> is still the 'rock solid' argument - the worst thing that could happen is
> an unstable or uncontrollable exception base implmentation and even worse is
> if there is no such base at all (the interface or real catch all approach).
> Further more when i look at the given code example it very much looks like
> flow control by exception handling which is violates on of the basic rules
> of working with exceptions.
> Best regards,
>  Marcus                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

What is it what the exception class can do and users can not? If it's
just data it's collecting, you could have a method in Throwable that
gets that data passed whenever an exception is thrown, i guess. That
way, you don't have to inherit from Exception to do the things Exception
can do.

just my 2ct,

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